HomeProphecyDealing with Unsaved and Backslidden Spouses


Dealing with Unsaved and Backslidden Spouses — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you for obeying God and posting this. These comments helped me. It seems like the devil holds women of “the world” up as a standard for us Christian women as wives, women, etc.. to have to somehow ‘compete’ with them in receiving honor, respect and attention from our husbands and men. But God’s measures of our worth is not the same as the world’s. This passage below especially helped remind me of the proper perspective: “You see, you may not do things like the world and God may have called you and separated you to be holy a vessel for His good use, but you will be just as beautiful and vibrant as those who are doing the things that are in the world; and even more so because the meat God has for you His elect will bring life and good health: a healthy marriage and relationship in Christ saith The Lord!”