HomeProphecyDo Not Be Deceived!


Do Not Be Deceived! — 4 Comments

  1. You are so right about the „electronic Church and distraction“………
    When I hear a well knonw prophet prophesying and see the congregation sitting in the dark, only lightened up by blue lights and a blue distracting scene behind the stage, where once a peaceful surrounding was used, it is so aweful!…….

  2. Holy Spirit indwell me to overflowing and don’t let me be distracted by the things of this world.  Help me to stay in your word and follow after you with all my heart and know who and what is you and what is not and clearly know the difference when the devil tries to condemn me because I can’t get with the worship leaders.  I pray for your anointing Father God to break every yoke and for you to be manifested regardless of whether it’s me or them.  I pray for Christ in us the hope of glory!  Thank you Robert for addressing a much needed subject!

  3. Amen man of God! Follow the Holy Ghost! 2Thess. 2:7-12 has taken years for me to understand. Why would God send a spirit of delusion? (a working of error) Sent so that we might distinguish the Church that loves His Word, loves Truth – however, whenever, and whomever it comes. Those that have rejected God’s Word are already delusional. So this speaks of those that pretend to love Truth. While it may be uncomfortable, it’s a reality. Praying for discernment and to grow in patience James 1:4, as the manifold wisdom of God unfolds. Eph. 3:10-21 Matt. 13:24-30

  4. Robert, thank you for the deep understanding of deception.
    I have been pondering the depth of understanding that the Lord has been opening up to me and He said to me, ‘the deceived do not want to hear about deception because they are so deeply immersed in it many are convinced it is truth’.
    I appreciate this timely truth exposing the deception and/or masquerade of ‘lovers of themselves’ from the throne room.
    God Bless You.
    Sandi Holman

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