HomeProphecyDon’t Forget Holy Communion! (Updated)


Don’t Forget Holy Communion! (Updated) — 18 Comments

  1. Thank you ma. I take the COMMUNION on the ist of every month as the LORD instructed us to always do in our ministry- Prepared Vessels Ministries. As i was blessing the COMMUNION on the altar that evening the Holy Spirit spoke this scripture to my ears “the life of the flesh is in the blood”
    If the wine in the communion is Jesus’ blood, and the life of a flesh is in the blood; it then means that the life of Jesus is in His blood so when i take the COMMUNION i take kn His life. I MANIFEST His life. His Nature. His person. His character.
    This was our word charge on ist MARCH.
    Again, i am miraculously healed of asthma. When i realised that I’m healed, no more reactions to anything, no more using of my inhaler. I practically forgot i had that condition. As i was thanking God and considering i realised it stopped just at the period God instructed me to take the COMMUNION on the first of every month. That affliction was demonic. Came suddenly. Symptoms deteriorated fast. Doctors at teaching hospital told me it can only be managed. It’s nine months now. All through the harmattan and dust and cold which is intense in my country. I can now sweep and even fry oil. Plus i know I’m healed. HALLELUJAH!
    There’s power in the blood of Jesus.
    Thank you mummy for reminding us.

    • Thank you Success for your comment. Also, thanking God for your healing.That is truly wonderful.
      I believe and have found God’s word is always true!
      The elements we use are ‘Symbolic’.
      Still we are remembering the Lord’s death till He comes. Which is powerful and what we should do. When we obey we experience many benefits. God bless you. ❤️

  2. As always, my sweet friend, Joyce, we are on the same page. As the battle has heated up for my the last month, with one physical attack after another, I have once again turned to the power of the blood and am taking DAILY communion before I pray. Love the confirmation and so so beautifully presented straight from His heart. Love you so much my sister, Sandi

    • Thank you Sandi, and I can sure identify with the the physical attacks!
      I likewise have started taking communion everyday now. Also, leaving worship on almost 24/7 even if low.
      More warfare these days and more divine strategy in the offensive also!
      Love how the Father has put us together as kindred spirits Prayers, hugs and love. ❤️

    • Hi Joyce, Such a powerful Word. The Lord has me taking Holy communion often lately. Love tho songs about the Blood of Jesus. They are my favourite ones. The Lord has me pleading the Blood many times a day and when I awaken in the night. Why am I not surprised as Sandy and you both mention physical attacks.  Real warfare and contending. We must continue to resist and he must flee. It is head to toe literally. Needing miracle. Smile. My Mom used to say, the precious red blood of Jesus. Standing on by His stripes I was healed and binding all this opposition. Much love dear Joyce. Patricia

      • Thank you Patricia so much and the stand you take
        I love what you wrote your Mama said, “the precious red blood of Jesus”!!
        I just prayed in the spirit for your miracle. The song just came to me “There’s a miracle in the Making” Smiles. Hugs and prayers.  ❤️

  3. Thank you prophet. I took the communion 2 days ago and since then I feel revived and strengthened in the inner man. God bless you ma.

    • Thank you. After I reposted I took it too this morning. The Lord has stirred me to take the communion more frequently again. God bless you. ❤️ praying

  4. The blood of Jesus set me (all of us) Free from sin & sorrow! The precious blood of Jesus is very much alive & active.  Thank you Mama. Joyce. May the body & blood of Christ speak Mercy, strength, healing, restoration & peace to every area of your life, family & ministry in Jesus name.

  5. Thank you so much for your post. I have been taking communion once a day and it gives life! The blood is alive and active and living in submission and remembrance always is the ONLY way to go. Thanks again for this. I praise a loving and merciful God.

    • @ Michelle Gamblin Thank you Michelle for your response. Yes, we sure need to it in remembrance of Jesus and his blood sacrifice. May God richly bless you.

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