HomeBiblical Teaching‘EPiStLeS’ — Let’s Study for Now Five of the 7 Churches in Revelation


‘EPiStLeS’ — Let’s Study for Now Five of the 7 Churches in Revelation — 22 Comments

  1. Brother Mark, only God has revealed this hidden mysteries to you & may God alone be praised. May HE empower you with more spirit of Discernment as HE did to Apostle Peter in Jesus Christ name. Thank you Sir

    • Dear Adams, Thank you for your prayer!  I have actually been praying for the gift of the discernment of spirits, as a gift we all need or need more of in these days.  Blessings in Him, Mark.

  2. The movie ‘Joker’ is a global phenomenon. Joaquin Phoenix won best actor award for his portrayal of Joker. Heath Ledger won best supporting actor for his portrayal of Joker. It is likely that people who have watched Joaquin Phoenix have also watched Heath Ledger. It is likely that they have also watched Jack Nicholson in his portrayal of this psychopath. Beware of evil intentions.

    Final Rantasy
    “The new JOKER movie looks exciting, seductive, and completely ominous. Why it resonates with more and more people – and what happens when somebody relates to it completely.”

    • Thank you Peter Gross for sharing this. I dont intend to watch but know many will.
      I pray for protection over them and the blood of Jesus.
      So much of the world is out there captivating audiences.

      God bless you.

  3. Loving Jesus is more important than loving an apostle. Jesus knows the condition of the heart of an apostle. Jesus knows the condition of the heart of a pope. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil includes good works with evil hearts. Beware of the Joker.

    • You are so right Peter Gross. Yet a reply came to me, my beloved brother.
      When we truly love Jesus we will also have a heart of love for our fellow man.
      Because at the same time when Jesus love is truly in our hearts, we can also forgive the imperfections we see in one another.
      Still we must only walk close to the ones God has called us too in the season we are in.
      Walking in obedience is key to also being in the right place at the right time. God bless you.

  4. Great teaching. Love it. I need to go back and meditate of each one. THank you Mark R for that great revelation. I am copying to study in my meditation time. THANKS so much.Love and hugs, Sandi

    • Sandi, Mark was a big asset I believe Sandi, to what he Holy Spirit showed him by sharing with us.

      I keep reading and studying over these 5 Churches for now, but going study all 7 of the churches again.

      I am hearing in the Spirit:
      “It is a well.. a well of living waters springing up to our very souls.” 

      Love you sis. God bless you. Joyce

      • Mama Joyce, more strength & grace on you Ma’am. God is forever faithful to His words which HE reveals to HIS servants. Thank you all for your Holy spirit led inputs.
        I would like to add here that the letters to these 5 churches is POINTER(S ) to each an everyone of us on this platform & other believers all over the world.  An as individual, you are a church & individuals make up the Churches with different talents/tasks to perform for it edification. The LORD knows all our works, weaknesses & strengths. When we perform these tasks well, we will be rewarded with Heavenly CROWN as an everlasting reward on the last day. BUT NOTE: the CROWN is very brittle, delicate, sensitive, light, soft, e.t.c & if not properly kept/handled can be easily broken/lost/ destroyed. This I say about the GOLD HEAVENLY CROWN as I was once shown in a dream.
        Furthermore, these letters expose the righteous few remnants & their rewards. Also, those indulging in every kind of secret sins, the judgments for them & what must be done to avert God’s anger are exposed as God is so Merciful as wouldn’t want any of us to perish. Brethren, let these letters speak to each an everyone of us & let us amend our ways before it gets too late. Father, you know all our works are not hidden from you, help us all to live in Holiness & righteousness so to avert your anger. AMEN.

        • Adams, I just read. Yes and Amen! Thank you for all you shared. You are such a blessing. You know you were speaking about the Crown.

          Also the scripture came to me:Rev 3:11 “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take Thy crown.”
          All if it ties in together, I believe.

          Faithful till death must we be! Persevering, & loving one another but hearing His voice and walking in obedience!

          1 Cor. 15:55 Oh death where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

          • I did not even know Rev 3:11 talked about the delicate Heavenly Crown. Thank you Ma’am as every words backed up with the right scriptures aligned rightly.  Please Mama Joyce, this is not to distract you from our topic ” Epistles”.  Mama Joyce please, I want you to start praying early to test the spirit , ask for divine wisdom as well concerning the rare assignment the Lord has for you in 2022. This I was told before Christmas & even yesterday morning.
            Mama, like Prophet Elijah, you are not retiring now but still have some needful assignment ahead. May God strengthen, provide & equip you with Divine Grace for Year 2022 Amen!

            • Thank you Adams and of course I will pray! Already sensing the Lord leading me in some new directions.
              All I want is to walk in the Lords leading and footsteps. Gods richest blessings!

    • Blessings in Christ to you Sandi.  I thank you too for what you have shared, including the recent word “Manifested Light” which I believe is a great help and encouragement for those who are truly called for this time.

  5. I am sure that our sister Joyce would agree with me when I say that everything needs to be tested, and this would include my interpretation of her vision: that five of the seven letters in the book of Revelation are being emphasized. However, the letters to the other two churches at Thyatira and Pergamum – also beginning with a P – are also important for us, since “ It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” [Matthew 4:4] I think it is especially important to state this in light of the dire warning given in Revelation 22:19 about taking anything away from this book. Although living by “every word” is a fundamental truth, we also know that the Holy Spirit may draw our attention to particular words from time to time, and at other times to others, because our finite minds cannot attain the whole counsel of God in one go.

    • Yes Mark, completely agree with all, everything you said!
      That is why I felt so prompted at the beginning to quote the scriptures Rev. 22:18,19
      We must keep digging in the Word of God and He will reveal surely.

  6. So Good…Can feel the Holy Spirit guiding me/“collective us” through this and releasing in prayer….
    Thank you Mama Joyce and Mark Roberts…

    Thank you for putting the references all in one place for us to examine by the Spirit.

    I have this inner sensing that the “churches” are in the process of being judged right now…
    Somehow “The Faithful” are to be witnesses to this ….as Holy Spirit leads us…He is positioning us.
    So that the Matthew 13 can be carried out by the angels…
    and then the lamp stands either removed or lit brighter by the Presence of the Lord.

    We tremble in Your Presence Lord…
    In judgement, remember mercy O Lord,
    May we turn and face our Lord and our King…
    Let Him reprove our hearts…and bring cleansing
    to repentant hearts…

    May we be found faithful.
    (*perhaps see also Zechariah 3 and 4?)

    • Absolutely welcome!
      Yes, Shelley. I’m going study Mat 13 this morning. Also Zech 3 & 4. Thank you for all your input and comments. Hugs and love, blessings Mama J

    • I agree, Shelley. I think the main problem has been that many churches have presented a watered down gospel which talks about the goodness of God but omits the severity of God, as in Paul’s warning,
      “Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.” [Romans 11:22]
      One reason why these same churches avoid the book of Revelation must be that it presents the severity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many blessings in Him who is also good!

      • YES. SO TRUE…
        May we tremble before His Holiness…
        even as we draw near to His heart.

        Hebrews 12:26-29
        Then [at Mount Sinai] His voice shook the earth, but now He has given a promise: Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the [starry] heavens.
        Now this expression, Yet once more, indicates the final removal and transformation of all [that can be] shaken—that is, of that which has been created—in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue.
        Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe;
        For our God [is indeed] a consuming fire.

        Thank you Mark Roberts for your deep thoughts.
        Blessings all !