HomeProphecyExpect The Fire, Wind, Cloud & Voice


Expect The Fire, Wind, Cloud & Voice — 16 Comments

  1. Excerpted from: The jewish Day, online….
    There are many sites on time in Israel, holidays etc. Please check it out. Thank you. I’m no expert – I just follow what’s in the Bible.
    See below. Blessings- Elizabeth
    Sunrise- approx. 6 am
    Beginning of 1st watch

    • First hour ………… Sunrise to 9 a.m.
    First Watch……. .Sunset to 9 p.m.
    Second Watch … 9 p.m. to Midnight
    Third hour …………. .9 a.m. to Noon
    Third Watch …… Midnight to 3 a.m.
    . Sixth hour ……….. Noon to 3 p.m
    Ninth hour ……….. 3 p.m. to sunset
    Fourth Watch ……. 3 a.m. to sunrise
    “Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day?’

  2. Thank you for your messages. I appreciate your faithfulness. I’m looking forward to JESUS to work out HIS PLANS ON AND IN me as soon as possible. In JESUS BLOOD I pray AMEN AMEN AMEN

  3. I like this post but it made me wonder spiritually whether Jesus can be qualified as a first fruit offering. Maybe he is simply the first fruit? I know lots of people like to amalgamate the two concepts but in common parlance these would not be the same. Also, although Jesus could be considered potentially a first fruit offering, neverthless he is sacrificed on a different feast day (if extremely close timewise).

  4. Hello – to those who’ve asked about Israel time ⏲️

    Our “day” here in the West begins at 12:01 a.m. – it’s the “next” day already. And of course day ends at midnight. In Israel, which follows the biblical calendar- when “the sun rises – light starts” (can be 6 a.m.) that starts ‘the next day’. Then that day then ends at “sundown” – sun sets in evening, darkness comes. – Up until the last century or two, the Middle East, esp.the millenia’s from Genesis to 20th Century – Israel lived in an agrarian culture. Farming, agriculture, harvesting ‘ even all the Feasts- its about the land.

    Many scriptures and gospel stories involve references to land, animals, the sun, moon, times of day for this reason.

    For ex – where you see a scripture- “at the third hour, they went to”….that would be 9:00 a.m. If the day started at 6:00 AM – then 9:00 AM would be the third hour. 12 noon is the 6th hour, 3;00 PM is the 9th hour.

    As the old saying goes, farmers “go to bed with the chickens (when it gets dark) and get up with the roosters. Roosters start crowing at first hint of sun peeking thru, ’bout 5:40 a.m.

    They were out in hot sun all day working- hard labor def. didn’t need sleepytime tea or melatonin to fall ZZzz sleep – they had the sun & lots of God’s Vit. C + D. :)>

    • i want to know … please select one of below .

      (1) 5/18 evening~ 5/19 evening

      (2) 5/19 evening~ 5/20 evening

      (3) 5/19 morning~ 5/20 night

      please choose. i want symple answer.

  5. Thank you Elizabeth for further understanding on this subject.
    I found Paul Wilbur last night on youtube, his wife and two grandchildren gathered together. It was beautiful! I took communion at that time with them ❤️

    • Hi Joyce,

      Thanks for your kind words
      Yes, I too love Paul Wilbur worship. His messianic worship from even decades ago – I still love his CDs. Nothing like it :)>

  6. Shavuot starts June 11 this year on the Hebrew calendar. Easter may have been in late March but the Jewish people didn’t observe Passover this year until April 22-30.

        • Hi Joyce,

          Thanks for your kind words
          Yes, I too love Paul Wilbur worship. His messianic worship from even decades ago – I still love his CDs. Nothing like it :)>

    • Yes Shane, you’re correct that Shavuot is being celebrated in Israel, in June. Perhaps I should have noted that – I forget that these posts aren’t read by just us in the States. Anyway – much blessings to you.

    • You’re correct Shane, Israel celebrates Shavuot in June. I forget that these posts are read outside of the States, where our holidays are on the Julian calendar- not Hebrew (biblical) calendar. Thanks. Blessings- Elizabeth

      • Elizabeth , please I want to understand from the post above, it seems the Lord’s words to you were that “Shavuot is the church’s birthday”, correct? that’s the only part of this post written in red letters or is there any other word from the Lord than those in this post? It seems also “He would speak audibly” is another?

        Also does this mean the church should look forward to June 12(Jewish Shavuot), for a special birthing event where he would speak audibly?

        Thank you.

  7. So so so GOOD, Liz. What a brief education on Pentecost. LOVED IT! It is a keeper. Thanks so much, my friend, for sharing this. Blessings and love, Sandi

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