Prayer Alert for Israel
There’s only about < 5.6 million Jews in Israel now, and it's only about 71 miles at its width X 260 miles in length. About the size of New Jersey.
Continue reading →There’s only about < 5.6 million Jews in Israel now, and it's only about 71 miles at its width X 260 miles in length. About the size of New Jersey.
Continue reading →History is both cyclical and prophetic. We heard, “Tear down this Wall” 1987, to “Build the Wall”, 2024.
Continue reading →On August 4 2024, The Times of Israel headline read: “Report: Iran plans to carry out retaliatory strike on Israel on Tisha B’Av, August 12-13”
Continue reading →I am copying here a reply to an inquiry from a friend. May it encourage us to see God’s long-range Vision to heal!
Continue reading →Our 248th 4th of July. Liberty’s birthday is still worth celebrating. That’s our girl!
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit is so amazing. One testimony, one word, one revelation in one believer can spark another one’s gifting.
Continue reading →This isn’t a News Flash! For we know, because He first loved us, we can respond in kind.
Continue reading →Tomorrow evening, May 19th, 2024, is Shavuot, or as we call it, Pentecost. ( Evening begins the Hebrew day, sundown the next day, ends it. )
Continue reading →Here’s some thoughts I sent to a friend as they remember their spouses death today.
Continue reading →I was driving home from my early morning swim. It was about 8:00 a.m., and there was a difference in the atmosphere.
Continue reading →These days we are in, I’m finding I need to make more intentional, conscious choices, to remain in The Light of Christ in all things.
Continue reading →Last night — May 10th, the northern lights, or the Aurora Borealis, the beautiful dancing ribbons of lights in the sky, were on display — a rare light show in the sky.
Continue reading →“Tell My People that I AM riding swiftly across the earth, and My Angel Armies are moving swiftly over the continents,” says The LORD.
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