HomeProphecyGifts for Christmas


Gifts for Christmas — 1 Comment

  1. Merry Christmas Deborah

    It has been such a long time since I have written here.  Thank you for this awesome word as it speaks to my heart much and tears up in my eyes as the Lord brings to my memory of a Christian sister who has gone home to be with the Lord it was the night of when she and another sister prayed for me to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  She told me that she seen many gifts of different sizes so many this was over 20 years ago.  As I read this word The Lord also brought to my mind a time when phone booths were located in the malls and I had tried to call home to check up on my kids the answering machine came on and while I put the receiver down in the mall some how it got just the words of my voice saying THANK YOU in the public phone communication system for over two to three months regardless of where one used the phone. I actually took my kids to different area of town and would try to make a call and the very first thing before it would connect one would hear my voice saying THANK YOU.  I guess the Lord must need for me this morning to have a heart of gratitude even though it has been so very many years in coming these gifts to not loose heart and say THANK YOU before they arrive.  Blessings Sue