HomeProphecy2024New Year’s 2024


New Year’s 2024 — 14 Comments

  1. WOW Sherry! Hard to know where to begin..such a powerful outpouring of truth and how we are handling it..loved this: Just realize, everyone is trying to find their own way. Yes, sometimes God’s way is messy, like giving birth to a child. etc stressful. I remember giving birth to my first child during my pregnancy. The waiting time was wonderful — but during the birthing process, the messy part I never thought I would survive! etc then the bottom line!!! Beloved of God, that is where we are! We are on The Threshold of Transitiom..Sherry, it almost feels like I have been in a transition for the last five years. There is so much to pray into here. Thank you for pouring out His heart in such a transparent way. Happy New Year..love and blessings, Sandi

    • So good to hear from you Sandra and God bless you! I This past year I didn’t know if I would survive it, and I am not out for me, for HE is my portion and He has kept me and the Lord is my husband. I am so happy to have such peace and quiet to hear and sense Him and HIS purpose. I am after HIM and he is honing me into greater insight, discernment to proclaim truth. It is so good to make a connection from some years back. I pray you prosper in all realms as you continue further.  Thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven….

      Much Love and blessings,

      Sister Sherry

    • Dear Erin,

      I sure will pray for you and that the Lord will stir you up through more intimacy, prayers, listening at his feet. I would encourage you since prayer intimacy and listing to God in the. Spirit and through the Word of GOD, seek Him and ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened for you.  As true as my hands are typing the mind of God and you are connecting to his source and the Bible says I stir up every gift talent and ability within you by the laying on of my hands. In Jesus name! Lord I ask for a deep abiding desire for her King and that she hungers for you Lord more than anything. Become her portion and keep her as the apple of your eye and her walls are ever before you Lord, in Jesus name! <3 Much love Erin

  2. Woman of God these posts for me is like sitting w/you across the table w/a cup of coffee. The passion you have for us to know the Lord and walk in His ways, divine gift/s and calling/s leaps off the page surly while reading. Personally, I enjoy the ‘real talk real walk’ anointing you carry for the glory of God! You’re a Blessing to the reader and hearer! You’ve been on post for years, as I’ve gleaned from your ‘pen’ “Where Eagles Gather” many years back. Yes..! The impact of what the Lord gives is eternal and The Best yet comes to us – Happy New Year mighty woman of the Most High God!

    • Wow, thank God first, but I don’t answer comments unless I’m directed to by the Lord. I thank you & God for encouragement today. HE pulled me aside and took me out of various places a long the way and said, “I don’t want you to go to bible colllege I will teach you MY WAYS ” I was Holy Ghost filled with fire in 1982 pastored 2 churches 1900-2000 & it changed my life forever.  He told me I would write and this has been true since 1998. I tried to attend classes, it was always frustrated.  It has been a lonesome walk (from having people close)but I say this day that I have entered something new. I don’t know what it is, You know how the Lord is, wants us to seek HIM like a newly married woman and passionately. The walk has been rough, but I delight in the Lord and I want more, I want a pure, passionately loving, transparent heart, and I want it all. He is the only one who knows how much I can handle and I want HIM. Thank you for encouraging me today. Thank you for reminding me of my journey into writing. Every bit of it was supernatural. <3

  3. Dear Sherry,

    So much of what you’ve written echoed back to me, as I’ve been thinking on many of these things, even the last few days. I believe the Lord is having all of His remnant bride, to get our (collective) houses in order, ready, for come what may. The transparency of your heart was seen in your words.I’m right there with ya Sister. We’re in the same boat

    • Thank you Elizabeth for your kind words and encouragement for me today. I am grateful! God bless you! <3

  4. Thank you Sherry for this timely word and no, I wasn’t offended in the least, it was a word that we all need to hear! Yes, we know things are about to change, but change for the better, the ‘better’ that God intended us to have all along, we just didn’t realise it. How amazing is our God that He should choose to rescue us from the carnage we see around us? The lies and deceit of the enemy abound, but the love of God prevails and conquers all that enemy seeks to achieve. Blessings.

    • Thy kingdom come Lord Jesus, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name! <3

  5. Thank you for such a real message. “If I preach, I preach to myself first!” Amen, Sister.

  6. Sherry, I cried as I read. Thank you for not sugar coating this message! How beautiful and a pure heart you have for God. I pray blessings over you and yours. ❤️

    • Joyce, as I read your words, I myself felt the prophetic tone in your words as you did in mine. I cannot compromise or sugar coat what HE gives me it would break my heart, Joyce I have forever been asking the Lord for a pure and transparent heart, and that I would be a woman after God’s own heart. God bless you and bless your words and ministry forever. Suddenly, I see you putting books away, like in a library, and I heard “You have been such a wonderful steward of MY Words, and ministry to those who desparately have need of answers to a greater degree of revelation and mysteries for such a time, and I hear governmental on his shoulders sense of royalty, rule, supremacy, never-changing authority and power, ability to accomplish whatever is needed or desired and you are not moved by fads or discontent content that is why I have faceted your heart like a diamond, such 7 facets are revelations of HIS nature and character and reflects as the sun hits it just right, and the colors reflection display such strength of character and nature.” I thank God so much for meeting you and knowing your heart. Much love and God’s best for you, and what things you had to lay down and move on from, may it ALL come back to you 7 fold!!!!!!! <3. PS: With much Love! Please keep in touch Joyce because I believe we shall cross paths.