HomeProphecyStand in Awe of All the Many Wonders You Will See!


Stand in Awe of All the Many Wonders You Will See! — 5 Comments

  1. Bravo Pastor Deborah, truly a humbling time has come that shall cause AWE to arise in such a way the we do exactly what He spoke to you..”Stand in awe of Me, for all the many wonders you will see. I AM going to rise up big on the inside of you and change the “you” that has been hindering “you”. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful encouraging word from the Father’s heart. Many blessings. Sandi Holman

  2. Amein
    Even as I prepare various things, what they plan it will not be enough but I felt that God will multiply what I have for others if He so wishes it. Its not just the amount I have which is a blessing thanks to God, but it will likely be targeted and will therefore need to be replenished.
    However, I have made kits for the greater exodus and that will be when the real journey begins, and the manna from heaven, water from rocks, and clothing never wearing out becomes some of ours daily life until Aird Ri Iosa (High King Jesus in gaelic) returns
    Thank you for this word, sister.

  3. WOW!!! Thank You Abba Father, with all of my heart which beats with Yours Father, THANK YOU!!!
    God bless your beautiful heart Pastor Deborah!! :)

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