Let My People Go!
I saw shackles — old iron shackles, rusted a battered with age. There was an open padlock laying close by, and that too was old and a bit rusty.
Continue reading →I saw shackles — old iron shackles, rusted a battered with age. There was an open padlock laying close by, and that too was old and a bit rusty.
Continue reading →I heard, ”Watch and Pray — for the Elephant in the Room has been Ignited and the Eyes of All Nations will begin to see it Burn and Turn!”
Continue reading →“Harvesting of souls is at hand, and despite previous Words given in the past, My Plan for harvesting is greater than before,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The Cock crowed three times for Peter. I just heard it crow three times for us too. Have I repented? Have you repented? Have we been to the Mercy Seat of Christ?
Continue reading →There is a harvest to be brought in before the end. Know the signs of the times in scripture.
Continue reading →The LORD said Satan is trying to kill Revival before it takes off. “But we are expecting this and we are ready for him!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →My wife, Linda, and I are mandated by God to opening old wells of revival by planting stakes, making declarations, and blowing the Shofar.
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit quickened to me a strange dream from December 2019. As I re-read the Word I felt impressed by the Lord to repost.
Continue reading →Prophets Russ Walden’s daily words for July 2020 from The Father’s Heart Ministry ~ voicing the Father’s heart to the nations via the The Father Says Today.
Continue reading →Hallelujah! After two years and 3 elections, we finally have a new Government in Israel with Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister.
Continue reading →I heard these words this morning, “Divine and supernatural exchanges are now taking place.”
Continue reading →Back in August 2015 I published a prophecy about war involving the USA, Iran and Israel.
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