HomeProphecyThe Color Purple Reveal an Open Heaven


The Color Purple Reveal an Open Heaven — 1 Comment

  1. Sin blinds and hinders us from seeing royalty and kingship.

    “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 8:7.

    Many many PEOPLE on social media as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram especially in religious segment prophectically give messages thus saith LORD …ANOTHER minister gave a WORD HE believes from GOD. The world will END.in February 2021. Some are NOT called to the platform of the prophetic office…and it is sad many many people are being led astray with ill will deception.
    I AGREE with Pr Geraldine…sin is a disease much worse than COVID. Free Will folks would.NOT listen to God’s most trusted SERVANTS…WHY…the ENEMY has blueprint, counterfeit GOD’S WAYS, HIS promises and HIS HOLY WORD. I refuse to fret because I KNOW GOD has a PLAN to dethroned and detour the actions satan himself laid out. The LORD has a higher layout according to HIS WORD to take HIS arch enemy DOWN☝☝☝