HomeProphecyThe Door of Revelation Four


The Door of Revelation Four — 4 Comments

  1. Hi Veronica.
    I’ve been reading with excitement the Words the Father has been giving you on HKP for years now. I admit I don’t do Facebook but I’m grateful for any outlet God uses to encourage in this Hour.
    I’ve been digesting this Word that you’ve given since reading it last week.
    I own the movie called August Rush, and the Lord has spoken to me through it in a Powerful way. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, but I suggest it to you.
    Its about a boy born out of wedlock to a man and woman of great musical talent. He was raised in an orphanage (orphan spirit) but he could still hear the music within him. Through intense bullying and much hardship he never gave up hope, and eventually ran from the place. He was introduced to a man filled with music himself, but also much bitterness and hatred. He saw the beauty within Even and gave him the new name August Rush. He used him for greed and gain and tried all he could do to keep Even for himself, but in the end, God won. Even was reunited with his parents and his parents with each other. What an incredible picture of the His children fighting through flood and fire to get back to our Father.
    Anyhew, just wanted to share. I’ve been fighting to get free from the orphan spirit for so long…could this August finally be the appointed “kairos” time I’ve been waiting for…oh please Father, may it finally be so.
    Gods Blessings beautiful lady :)

  2. I’m thankful for His mercy that is coming upon His creation for what will probably be the last time before His return!

  3. Can you imagine the shaking that went on in Jonah in the belly of the whale and at the bottom of the sea.
    But Oh the Power of God that poured through him as he was spit out onto dry land…enough to transcend the darkness in even the most wicked of cities and penetrate Spirit to Spirit to bring complete repentance.
    How Bright and Beautiful we will see His Light Shine in the deepest depths of darkness…I’m stoked!!! :D

  4. I have been hearing in my spirit this morning, “It won’t be long now.” I believe this to be true yet it gives me a feeling of sadness. Not fear, but sadness for those who need GOD .

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