HomeProphecyThe Sound of His Love is Bringing The Fear of The LORD


The Sound of His Love is Bringing The Fear of The LORD — 6 Comments

    • I appreciate you confirmation Alex. To God be all the praise and honor and glory. Blessings, Sandi Holman

  1. How the words of that song and all that went along with it, the music, the pictures, our Lord … it is still impacting my soul and my whole being.

    A few days ago, I experienced the fear of the Lord, also.

    I thank God for what He is doing within us. I have changed so much within a few days. It may not seem so to others, yet, I am not the same as I was.

    It is not my doing. It is the Lord`s doing. I thank you for posting this. It drew me in even closer still to Him.

    • Thanks so much Therese for sharing your powerful experience. I too had a life changing experience and it was hard to put in words, but thank God He is drawing us into a deeper place. God bless you sister, Sandi Holman