HomeProphecy“Touch Not My Anointed!”


“Touch Not My Anointed!” — 6 Comments

  1. God seekers: The ‘anointing’ comes from the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit does ‘anoints’ – The ‘anointing’ is an empowerment – Given by the Holy Spirit. David anointed 3x’s prophet, priest, king. The ‘anointing’ is predicated as one is submitted to Christ which literally means; The anointed One and His Anointing. Believers posses an understanding of spiritual realities through the illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit. This is why Paul prayed for the Body of Christ to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation – knowledge. That gives truth in a way that human instruction cannot provide. Eph.1:17 1John 2:24-27 Abide, not just by faith but obedience 1John 2:28,29. God’s anointed ?  Yes.

  2. Praise God Brother Stephen! I appreciate your sound teachings. I pray to be a student under your tutorships.

  3. “This bears a striking resemblance to the situation in 1 Samuel where Saul, whose position was threatened, pursued the man who was innocent.”

    Interesting. So it’s almost the other way around. By “rebuking” one’s critics, these “prophets” are the ones coming against anointed Believers in Christ. So who’s touching God’s anointed? I’d be scared, if I were to be a prophet today, for being a stumbling block in a Believer’s path. God loves His little children.

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