HomeProphecyTravail to Prevail


Travail to Prevail — 6 Comments

  1. Dear Sandi. My heart is in great gratitude to the Lord for how you are a precious vessel to Him, from which the stream of God’s glory pours powerfully and how obediently and faithfully you carry His word to transform and encourage God’s people.  For me, this word is a powerful confirmation of what I have been carrying in my heart from the Lord for a long time, and I bring it as a prayer that God’s tears may flow through His people and release renewal and life to every area that is on Otva’s heart. It is amazing how faithfully for the Lord you carry the prophetic and guardian mantle that the Lord has entrusted to you and in the power of God you announce fresh news from the walls. May this word effect a mighty reformation in the prayers of God’s people for the revelation of God’s glory at this time. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord. I bless you, may you be newly renewed in the waterfall of God’s closeness and receive new freshness and empowerment for all the visions that the Lord has placed in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit water you with his presence and draw you into the bridal chamber of your Beloved Jesus, where the Lord wants to speak in the depth of your heart what is on His heart. May every treasure of God’s heart that the Lord has entrusted to you be released in due time for the blessing of many. Be under God’s mighty protection.

    • David, I am so very blessed by your kind words of gratitude and encouragement. Your words brought tears of joy and gratitude as I knew that they were flowing so beautifully from the heart of one who was releasing the love and approval of our wonderful Lord and Savior. Truly I am forever grateful that you brought this bouquet of love and blessings to ‘make my day’. It is the deepest desire of my heart to be a carrier of His heart. May you continue to flow in Him and with Him as you press on to finish well. Sandi

  2. Judy+Smith, please forgive my delay in replying to your great encouraging agreement. Keep igniting the Darkness girl. That is the greatest need of this hour for sure. Set the pace, ignite the fire and may it spread all across our land. Thanks so much for your response. It sooooo encouraged me. Happy Holidays to you as we continue to take our mountains!!

  3. I just have no word to explain the agreement I feel in this word Sandi!  I am host of a ZOOM meting called, ” Ignite the Darkness; Lighten the Day!”  It is a 4th Watch prayer time every AM at 5 for 30 days; right to Nov. 2nd; the day before the USA election.  The things you speak forth in this divine word are the same things we are interceding about.  So close to what you are saying is what the Holy Spirit has been giving us revelation about.  It is a “ON FIRE” time for the body of Christ as we sit in Christ in the heavenly places; far ABOVE the rule of darkness.  Hallelujah, the prayers of the righteous will move the mountains in Jesus name!

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