HomeProphecyTrump, in The Prison of God’s Will (Abridged)


Trump, in The Prison of God’s Will (Abridged) — 6 Comments

  1. Wow!  From a friend last yr I think
    Trump has been called a wrecking ball in the past. You have, yet, to see what he shall do. He shall smash the altars of Baal & he shall call out the witches & high ranking principalities to show themselves.
    Micheal & other archangels will stand beside him & these men & women will slither on the ground as snakes. He shall tell them to call on the name of God & they shall refuse & die on the spot.
    Gabriel will touch Trump & strengthen him as they fight off the principalities. Thunder and lightning & a big storm in the heavenlies shall take place as never seen before. They will resist coming down as they are territorial principalities & are strengthened by people who have given themselves over to them. Trump will be shaken but will not flee. I shall call out his name, “Donald Trump, raise up your arm & call the principalities to fall down & to not be seen on earth ever again. Pitch darkness soon covered the earth. And, one by one, great thumps were heard on the ground as they all fell. And, the Lord said that it was a good thing, a very good thing. … Trump bowed before God & he claimed that God had performed this miracle & not man & he called for all the people of the world to call on the name of Jesus. And, no one denied that Jesus was Lord of lords & King of kings.
    Terry Bedard, Canada

  2. This word this day is a most beautiful gift!!
    It has been grueling and the fight has been ruthless and so cruel.
    Thank You Father!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!! Thank you!!

  3. Thank U Veronika 4 these updated notes or parallel prophetic insights, I really enjoyed reading this! Yummy stuff as always:-)

  4. I have wept with the revelation that surely the tests are coming to an end. Thank you Veronika for your faithful stand for this man that God has chosen. Thank you for the clarity of every trial and the exposure of God’s plan and heart to bring order and restoration to the darkness as well as the confirmation for all the intercession that is still ongoing. God bless you for your faithfulness. As an intercessor for DJT, I rejoice. Sandi

  5. Mighty, mighty revelations, dear Veronika!!!……..
    Before the Breakthrough and endtime outpouring though there will be great troubles and uprising as prophesied …

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