HomeProphecyUnbridled Passion — No Striving!


Unbridled Passion — No Striving! — 5 Comments

  1. I had an unforgiving spirit once. Matt 6:14-15 says if you don’t forgive others, your heavenly Father will not forgive you. I heard Joyce Myer ask a woman in her prayer line why she needed prayer and the woman said “an unforgiving spirit. Joyce then said, have you prayed for them to be blessed?” and the woman said, I don’t want them to be blessed”. Turns out it was the woman’s husband and girlfriend that she couldn’t forgive, which was my situation exactly. I knew what Matt 5:44 said, “bless them that curse you and do good to them that despitefully use and persecute you,” but thought it would be hypocritical to pray it and not mean it. Joyce explained you do not pray it based on your feelings, you do it out of obedience to Christ. So, I stood in my foyer and prayed, Father in the name of Jesus, I ask you to bless my husband and his girlfriend in any way they need blessing and, suddenly, it was no longer my problem. I no longer cared what he did, or she did and had no ill feelings. I have continued to pray immediately for anyone who offends me. I praise God for His forgiveness for the times I have offended others and teaching me how to forgive. I love your posts, Priscilla. I was exposed to New Age 23 years ago and was glad to read your testimony about that. God bless you.

  2. Thank you for sharing Priscilla.
    This is such a crucial Word. Turn turn turn God’s People!!!
    We MUST stop worshipping man and flesh, it’s passing away and will take us with it!!!
    This journey is but a tiny drop in the Oceans Eternity. We must turn!! And you are correct, it’s all or none!! The “illusion” of the middle has all but disappeared!!
    I had a dream sometime last summer where this little man approached me and told me that the reason I was so hated by the devil was because I forgive. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools we have and is imperative that we use it…always!! And unforgiveness is one of the most powerful tools of the enemy, and its rampant in the Church. It’s infection runs deep and has produced division, gossip, slander, murder, perversion, strife, illness…etc…etc…etc!!!
    I recall a testimony of a man the Lord took to hell and showed him many suffering people. One was a woman carrying a Bible sharing the Gospel. At first the man was excited. He thought maybe hell could be Redeemed. But the Lord told him her story. This is a woman who’s heart was to see the lost saved, but there was an offense in her life the Lord kept trying to lead her to forgive, but she just couldn’t. She refused.
    This is no game. The enemy would like us to think it’s trivial but its as serious as it gets!!
    God bless you beautiful lady.
    Thank you again. :)

  3. Thank you Father for your love that is better than wine, o how my soul tastes for you! Sister Priscilla please would you consider praying for me to be set free from satanic oppression and mind control. Thank you so much, I appreciate your dedication to our God. You will be richly rewarded one day soon. Love from Nigeria.

    • Abba Father Uloma needs Your help Lord. I stand in the gap for her and invite You into every part of her life and land, take Your position upon the Thrones that belong to You and reign and rule. Abba we embrace the Ultimate Standard raised up by You for Uloma in the form of the Power of the Cross against every flood of every enemy. Pour out the Body, Blood, and Living Water of Your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, upon every affected, infected, and infested area of Ulomas mind and heart. Thank You for taking ALL the enemy has used to destroy Your beautiful daughter Uloma and working it instead for good Abba Father. In the Most Beautiful Name of the Most Beautiful Gift You could have ever given Your Creation, the Name of Jesus Christ we pray Abba, Amen.
      God bless you Uloma. Your not alone, I’m waiting for deliverance from the spirit of mind control as well. It’s tentacles are being removed by the Power that already stripped it at the Cross, He WILL complete what He’s begun.
      Hang in there, we’ll make it through. :)

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