HomeProphecyWarning: Things Are About To Get Very Bumpy!


Warning: Things Are About To Get Very Bumpy! — 4 Comments

  1. Yes, what you have shared resounds within my spirit, also.

    I need to get ready and to do as what was told and to prepare according to what Holy Spirit specifies. I have known to prepare and have been putting it off. Now, this clearly resonates in wasting no more time.

    Thank you for posting this.

  2. Thank you. A sound word with warnings.

    Not out of fear of the world do we prepare, but the fear of God.

    God bless you.

  3. Elizabeth Marie,
    I received the word NUCLEAR on the 14 Novembet 2022.
    It’s since been brought to my attention, listening today to Chris Reed on Elijah Streams who has prophecied an attack on a NUCLEAR FACILITY OR SIMILIAR IN UKRAINE. When two or three witnesses etc!!!
    I did not give this word earlier as wanted to wait and see if anyone else had it as serious topic.
    As bible says God does nothing without warning as found in Amos
    Praise the I AM.