HomeProphecyWhat Jesus Said About Satan in Isaiah 14


What Jesus Said About Satan in Isaiah 14 — 2 Comments

  1. Molti,durante la vita terrena di Gesù, Lo cercavano per i vantaggi che offriva ( cibo, liberazione, guarigione…), ma pochi lo seguivano perché Lo amavano e volevano conformarsi a Lui. È fondamentale che esaminiamo noi stessi..
    Grazie! Benedizioni♡

    [ HKP : “Many during Jesus’ earthly life sought Him for the advantages He offered (food, deliverance, healing…), but few followed Him because they loved Him and wanted to conform to Him. It is crucial that we examine ourselves. Thank you! Blessings♡” ]

  2. Praise God! Amen! God bless you beloved brother Travis Coffey! This is definitely a word for me, as I’m guilty of quite a few things, but I have certainly chased the divine healing and not the Divine Healer regularly, Jesus Christ. It is not intentional as I truly love the Lord, but I believe that because the intensity and severity of a physical issue, out of desperation to be freed from severe pain or symptoms, some of us find ourselves chasing the divine thing – opposed to chasing the Lord Jesus Christ with our entire heart, soul and body, presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice.

    I will certainly begin chasing Jesus Christ sincerely, asking him for clear directions concerning everything and pursuing him with a pure heart. Many souls have to be reformed and restructured in Jesus Christ – to be shaped, formed correctly, letting go of traditional false teachings, that was mixed with partial truth towards dark deception that crept in over time.

    God bless you, dear brother Travis! Again, I thank God for the Truth – shared with his ambassadors, true prophets, who humbly share for no fleshly or earthly gain. Peace, love and blessings to you, your family and the Body of Jesus Christ!❤️

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