HomeProphecyWhy Easter?


Why Easter? — 3 Comments

  1. I had a night vision about 11 nuclear explosions in 10 US cities the early morning of September 19, 1980 I sincerely had the vision and will share it with you if you will email me back at my email address: moedim97@yahoo.com

  2. (continued) If the Friday to Sunday scenario was true He’d be a liar because He said no sign would be given and evil adulterous generation except the sign of the prophet Jonah (3 days & night) Passover teh 14th day 1st month) fell on Wednesday so as the day begins with sunset (genesis 1) Wed-Thu-Fri nights and Thu-Fri-Sat days and sunset SAt begins the 1st day of the week. That fulfills the prophecy correctly

  3. I don’t celebrate the pagan feast of Ishtar/ Ashterah / Eostre / Semiramis/ Ostara also Isis / Inanna and related fertility goddesses. I grew up in an evangelical home (CMA, Pentecostal / AGC / Baptist/ Salvation Army and we grew up with these “feasts” . When I learned about the feasts of YHVH and their prophetic / eschatological significance and that they are commanded (they’re at least more scriptural than Easter and Saturnalia aka ChristmaS) I quit,