HomeChristian TestimoniesWomen Only: Should Women Wear Head-coverings?


Women Only: Should Women Wear Head-coverings? — 12 Comments

  1. Hi Elizabeth marie; I have listened to your words from the Lord for a few years now. I have to say this teaching is amazing! I was questioning the Lord on it for several days now, He showed me that as women, we should know His order of things and that the head covering is part of that! It’s hard to explain, but there is alot of chaos in the world right now,the enemy is really attacking our basic identity of being women, men etc!! I believe in His Great love for us, He wants us in perfect clarity of who we are and where we fit as women in His body! How beautiful this is! He wants all chaos, all wrong thinking about ourselves gone!! This may not be for every woman in the body of Christ.  And that’s OK! But I recieve this from the Lord! I want to be who He says I am, in every way! Hallelujah!!

  2. Thank you so much, Elizabeth Marie, and everyone, your comments were all very helpful.Thank you, Lord Jesus Amen!

    This message has answered so many of my questions concerning Women Head coverings.

    “Thank you! A sign of Submission, as the Bride of Christ
    “And the As the Bride of Christ, I also associate the veil/ scarf with a Bride who wears a veil on her wedding day!

    This is a sign of submission to her husband….. not just a fashion statement!

    As the Bride of Christ, my ‘husband’ is The LORD.  This is a Sign/ Symbol to the Spirit world, that I am submitted to GOD, who is my husband:

    “For your Maker is your husband, The LORD of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth.” Isaiah 54:5

    (I’ve always loved this Scripture, as a widow, I always wondered “where do I “fit” in His Kingdom as a Widow woman” well this message and others Holy Spirit has led me to KNOW who I am in Him, as a Widow I’m part of the Bride of Christ, Amen ❣️

    Thank you so much ❤️


  3. I have a prayer shawl I use to cover my head when in prayer and just to go into a secret place.
    However, Iosa led me to a wonderful teaching regarding bible translations and women in the bible.
    The head covering issue is covered (scuse the pun) in this presentation and in original texts it is NOT required.

    I urge all who seek truth to watch “Eve the lifegiver of YHVH” on u tube to make up for your own minds under the Ruach HaQoudesh.

    So many things have been written as truth but are lies.

  4. In the Jewish community, wearing a wig seems to be a way of covering the head.
    I have been wearing one for quite a few years because of thinning hair.
    Maybe that’s the way to go and not so obvious.

  5. So many women are receiving conviction regarding head coverings, makeup, hair dye, hair wigs/weaves, nails, etc.  For me, the Lord started convicting me of vanity.  He gave me Psalm 24:3-4 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.” He convicted me that when I use products that alter my appearance I am using deception as well as thinking highly of myself as to how they make me look.  The first Sunday to church without makeup was very rough, but the minute I drove out of our garage, I was receiving deliverance. I do believe these things are linked to the Jezebel spirit (remember how she “painted her face” to try to seduce Jehu?).  Makeup and such has become such a stronghold for women, but God made us fearfully and wonderfully without it.  Next up, I will let my gray hair grow out.  It is a “crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness.” So many youtube videos of Christians being convicted regarding these issues, so I was encouraged by watching them and reading the comments.  Hair coverings also…many are being told by the Lord to wear them all the time since we are the temple of God, and we are to pray unceasingly (making it hard to put on/take off throughout the day).  I will definitely do as God leads me to in this area.  God bless!!

    • Lynette,
      Thank you for your testimony.  It helps me because God also spoke to me about makeup and hair coloring—but it was the ingredients that He was warning me about. (But I had not thought about the deception aspect.) Ingredients are toxic and not holy. I just will add if you want hair color to come back eat low carb and put a piece of copper pipe in your water and take zinc to balance. My hair color is coming back (I will be 66 tomorrow). (The copper in water helps pets be free of worms naturally, parasites do not like copper). Plus for the lady above Denise, I fought hair loss for twenty years and I found that taking natural bovine thyroid (Purity One thyroid 300) (has natural T3 and T4–God led me to it) is helping much with shedding, (plus high dose biotin) God has an answer. Our hair is our glory. I will pray for you.
      Thank you ladies. I feel less alone about this now. God bless you and Elizabeth Marie for sharing. Joanie

      • Thank you for the information you shared!  My whole life I struggled with not feeling good about myself as well as with the fear of man/man pleasing.  This that the Lord has called me to has been freeing me from a lot of darkness within. I’ve been getting deliverance from those things in my soul/flesh that have oppressed me all of my life.  It is still hard some days, but I remind myself of how the Lord doesn’t want me to change the way He made me (fearfully and wonderfully).  God bless you and everyone else here!

  6. Hi Elizabeth Marie,
    Thank you for your words and experience.  When I was a new Christin in 1990, I read the Scripture about head coverings and felt that God was emphasizing it for me. I was in a prayer group then called Lydia, and they were mature Christian ladies. Well I told them about the covering Scripture and got the same response that you were taught at Bible school. But I obeyed God and kept my head covered when I prayed. A few months after this, myself and one of the women in the Lydia group and I went to a prayer day in London, an Intercessors for Britain day. Guess what they spent the whole day teaching on—that’s right—that women should pray with their heads covered. She started covering her head also as God quickened it to her then.
    You are going to laugh but God has OK’d it— what I put on my head is a small plastic bag (called baggies here in USA) held on with a Bobby pin. This is all I have used my entire Christian walk. It is handy so I always keep it in my pocket in case I need to pray or listen intently to God— it helps. Thank you again for this word. I have my baggie on right now and it encourages me that I am able to hear His voice, and we do not lean on our own understanding. God bless you all. Joanie

  7. I have covered my head with a scarf for many years in my prayer time, but stopped, for no real reason, a year or two ago. Just didn’t reach for it anymore, even though it’s there right next to my chair. Two days ago, again for no real reason, I began covering my head with my scarf once again during my prayer time.  Many of us being nudged in this!

  8. Sister. You just spoke directly to me. The nudge from the Holy Spirit has been there. Henceforth, my new norm.

    God Bless you abundantly!

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