My Testimony
We live in perilous times and there is a great wave of darkness that is coming that will turn our world’s upside down.
Continue reading →We live in perilous times and there is a great wave of darkness that is coming that will turn our world’s upside down.
Continue reading →“When you seek Me, you have sought a good thing,” says The LORD. “When you have entrusted your life and destiny to Me, you have made a good decision.”
Continue reading →Many today do not rightly divide the Scriptures, but run headlong into confusion, teaching some things not meant to be taught.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM tired of the evil wheelers and dealers. I AM tired of their manipulation and control. I AM tired of them trying to destroy My People.”
Continue reading →I was talking to The LORD this morning, and He gave me a deep revelation about wounded Christians…
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “There is coming a Revelation of Jesus and His true Church, that will blow the false doctrines away!”
Continue reading →“I have some drawing of My Own to do in the sky and in the earth! Only I, have all things at My Disposal to make such a display,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The Son of Man came to the earth, not only as our sacrifice for all sin, but to show us how life is done.
Continue reading →I heard, “Go forth in victory, My Grace Warriors, My Chain Breakers! This is the Appointed Time!”
Continue reading →Any Instruction by JESUS you obey, has super-abundant solution and great success for you and others.
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