Whenever a person claims they’re being persecuted, it’s not always a sign of how strong their “faith” is.
Continue reading →Whenever a person claims they’re being persecuted, it’s not always a sign of how strong their “faith” is.
Continue reading →The LORD spoke to me in January 2024, and said that there will be many of His children whom He will call home by the end of the year.
Continue reading →In the recent years, there has been an increase of Christians using their Faith and even Scriptures to invoke actions that are anything but the display of love, patience, gentleness, or temperance.
Continue reading →From politics and social media, to the pulpit; western Christians have become impulsive, critical, arrogant, opinionated, and some, even violent.
Continue reading →One of Jesus’ last Commandments before He left earth was that His Disciples would love each other as He had loved them.
Continue reading →A while back, I had a powerful visitation for The LORD. I saw Him standing on a platform in a Church. He had come to judge it.
Continue reading →I am reposting a 19 minute video in which I share a Vision given to me about a War Dragon being released over the earth.
Continue reading →Learn how to do ministry — and be an effective witness outside of social media! There is a plague of social media dependency that has engulfed many believers.
Continue reading →The LORD is revealing more and more just how “deep” the deception (apostasy) is running within The Church.
Continue reading →The LORD showed me that the world has been so desensitized through movies, A.I., video games, and social media, and The Church has been so blinded.
Continue reading →Deception in the Evangelical Church is so high, that we now have false prophets putting out sermons telling you to beware of false prophets!
Continue reading →I want to repost a Dream and Word that The LORD gave me in December 2018, regarding the rise of antisemitism and how it would impact America.
Continue reading →I want to briefly speak about a Pastor who recently committed suicide after being exposed as a crossdresser on Social Media…
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