HomeProphecy2018The Church That Was Built Upon a False Foundation


The Church That Was Built Upon a False Foundation — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you for the revelation. People who called themselves as prophets, they rob us in our churches they ask money at all times and you find poor and vulnerable people they give them their last money so that they may be recognised by them.
    I have visited a church with my husband two months ago.  They preaching was about money till the end of the service. We were given empty empty envelopes that we should provide at church on the 31st Dec for thanks giving and we were asked money to pay the bricklayer to build an alter for the church. I do agree with you my beloved that its being witchcraft and sin in the sight of God they just make money and lie to us. We are living in the last days.
    OH !PLEASE HELP US LORD. This article is touching me a lot as a results I’m praying that God should deal with them. God bless you. AMEN

  2. I would like to to comment about the issue that you have raised to us really my beloved there are many false prophets. Two month ago I visited a church and my husband but the woman who call herself a prophet she was greedy and preaching about money. She asked the congregation to give her money so that she can build an altar and gave them empty envelopes that they should bring on the 31st Dec for thanks giving and asked people who want to pledge must come in front so that she can anoint them with oil. I was not there to judge but I noticed people they give their last money so that they may be recognized by her. May the lord help us we are living in the last days. I do agree with you my beloved sister its being witchcraft and sin in the sight of God. May the LORD help you.I LOVE YOU. AMEN

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