HomeProphecyIt Is Time to SOAR!


It Is Time to SOAR! — 11 Comments

  1. Oh my goodness Sandi!! :D
    I could go on and on with confirmation after confirmation within this incredible, and extremely encouraging word, but im at work! God bless your beautiful heart for posting and reposting!! I desperately needed it!!
    Thank You Beautiful Father!!

    • Good morning, Cherish! Thank you for taking time from work to stop by and give your confirmation and encouragement. God is such a good father. May you always have more than enough and may your willing heart share with others! Be bleesed! Sandi

  2. Yes Lord! Amen Lord!
    I believe You! I receive You and Your Word!
    To quote a patriot and a man full of courage-
    LET’S ROLL!!!!!
    Thank You Jesus!!!
    Thank You Sandi!

    • Dear Marc and Tami,
      GOD richly bless you for your gracious hearts to receive, believe and press on. Indeed, it is time to rally together shouting, Let’s Roll! Bountiful blessings, Sandi

  3. Amen! Ogni parola è meravigliosa e incoraggiante per chi si sforza di perseverare, nascosto ai piedi del Signore, nell’attesa della chiamata per entrare in azione.

    [ HKP : “Amen! Every word is wonderful and encouraging to those who strive to persevere, hidden at the feet of the Lord, waiting for the call to action. Thank you♡” ]

    • Greetings Chris and Linda,
      Great to hear your encouraging words! It is both a crazy and a wonderful day to be alive and watch the great reveal that caught so many unaware and what a joy to walk together AS ONE! Love and blessings to you both as we press on to finish well!! Sandi

  4. Thank you Sandi for posting this awesome Word from the Lord. I wept as I read these words.  I have no words to express how awesome God is and I receive every word written here. Glory to God forever more!!! Blessings to you and yours!!!

    • Dear MF, I am delighted with you and for you I love when the Lord gives me tears of joy unspeakable. I rejoice with you as you move forth giving Glory and being a glory carrier in these end times. Thank you for the blessing. I send it back to you as well. Sandi

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