HomeProphecyAmerica’s Abandonment of Israel


America’s Abandonment of Israel — 3 Comments

  1. Hello, Sister Barbara (Godshealer 7 on Youtube) gave a prophecy of a plague of hail (The plague of Egypt will be revisited).

    Date of the original plague of Hail was 1 Tevet 1312bc (1 Tevet in 2017 is 30 Dec).  http://www.torahtots.com/timecapsule/thismonth/tevet.htm#1

    1 Tevet is also the date that Esther was taken to the palace of the king setting the stage for her saving the Jews 6 years later.

    GH7 1:29 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjEEcO3Mstc

  2. This is a true word from the Lord. Jacob’s troubles has begun. Those prophets who preaching “peace & properity” for the year of 2017 are speaking a false word.

  3. Umm you do know that this can’t happen right? According to 2 Thessalonians 2 the Antichrist has to come first before any of this Happens, the Antichrist comes even before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ And the Antichrist will not rise to power until WW3 happens. Amidst of WW3 is when he will Rise and Rule and Reign for 7 years in Total and declare World Peace and a make a Peace Treaty with Israel! At the start of the the 7 years. The Second 3 1/2 years of the First 7 is when he will Break his Covenant with Israel.