HomeProphecyAnother Look At The Fear of The LORD


Another Look At The Fear of The LORD — 6 Comments

  1. The fear of the Lord only comes from seeing him as he really is and not what others have told you about him. What you will have to come face to face with is most of what you think to be true is not. Almost all of what the church in this country believes about God and who they think he is simply is not true. And that is why all the chaos is happening now. Because if they don’t change the way they are doing things they will not be allowed to preach the lies any longer. The one true God has never made a mistake. Nothing is as it seems to the natural eye of man. All has been Gods plan from the start. Satan was not some wonderful angel that fell. Jesus said he was and always has been a liar. God has made all things and he has made them as they are. Because he really does know what he is doing. And it is not what most believe that to be. If they could see him as he really is they would be scared. I have seen him and have been trying to warn you get ready to duck.

    • Dear David

      THE LORD bless you for having delight in The Fear of THE LORD. That is Wisdom, (Job 28:28).

      However, your comment contains very serious Scripture errors that can deceive many who don’t know The Truth.

      Satan was created beautiful and full of wisdom.

      GOD created all things perfect, including Satan, who was “the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” But GOD had him devoured by Fire, turned to ashes and horror when he sinned, (Ezekiel 28:11–19; Isaiah 14:12–21).

      JESUS never said that the devil “was and always has been a liar.” He said that “he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44). He became so when he sinned in the beginning (the age in which the initial universe was created – Genesis 1:1.

      A lot happened for so long between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, involving the angels who sinned. See Jeremiah 4:23–26. And also 2 Peter 3:5–6, which refers to how the waters of Genesis 1:2 came about)

  2. Amen David. Thanks so much for sharing your valuable insight and understanding. He is the only wise GOD. Sometimes I think the biggest hindrance is many have followed so long other “man-made Gods” and they have fallen for the lies they want to believe..therefore sometimes becoming their own God. Blessings, Sandi

    • Hey sandi
      Thanks for the words sister. I respect you sister I don’t really know if you agree with what I have to say but you are wise enough to approach things with caution and wisdom. And say the right thing as if you truly walk in the fear of the Lord.
      You know what is funny many years ago when I became aware of some of things I am sharing here one of the men I knew every one treated him very badly and said terrible things about him. Only later did I find out why. I at least had enough sense to hear what he had to say and to this day would never disrespect him. Who knows any of us could be wrong.
      Any way I have said this to you before and I will say it again I think we will be friends. In the near future you will rejoice remembering that I said this. Mostly I am just getting everyone’s attention later you will say now I get it.

  3. I noticed recently that in the garden of Eden, Eve believed eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was also wisdom. Before the fall, there was no sin and therefore they were not afraid. What you have said has really interested me as in fact it didn’t give wisdom but the opposite. It also caused fear as they were aware of their sin. I find it very interesting that after the fall the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
    The devil is a liar and it is too easy to think knowledge equals wisdom. But it doesn’t. The only being that can handle that knowledge is God because He is God.
    I have seen the tactics the devil is able to use. I have seen how he lies. Beguiles. If people also knew what he can look like, speak like, offer gifts, offer the world, use scripture, much of which is gnostic type stuff – they would fear the Lord as He is the only way and is our protector. We need His wisdom to discern the truth from the lie. The right from wrong. The devil knows scripture better than we do and we need to be so aware of how we use it or understand it. Jesus is the living word.

    • Hi Suzie, thanks so much for sharing. Absolutely, the beginning of deception, lies, fear all took place in the garden. It also instituted the “blame game” that is raging in our world today. Many blessings, Sandi Holman

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