HomeProphecyBeyond the Ordinary!


Beyond the Ordinary! — 12 Comments

  1. “I AM raising up Teachers to rightly divide My Word with authenticity and wisdom they have gained through an Impartation of Understanding.

    Dear Sandi,

    I always love to read the prophetic words you share!!…….
    How would you describe and understand „rightly dividing“ the Word of God? I know what it means and have often tried to explain it to one of my sisters who is married in the USA and got into false believes after she came over a Teacher there who teaches that the expression means that we have to cut away much of the New Testament because it has been written to the Jews and and the time of the Law…………! Terrible. I have countered this theory with many Bible quotes but this mindset has to be broken by the Holy Spirit obviously.

    • Great to see you again, Dorothea! I am so glad the Lord is ministering to you through the words He gives me. That teacher appears to have a religious spirit. And her understanding is the mindset of one who has not received the Holy Spirit (who is the spirit of Truth). When someone isolate a scripture and takes it out of context or seek to have it say what we want it to say, especially if we do not know the truth and have had the truth set us free, we are open for deception. Taking Gods word out of context results in presenting our theory. Praying with you that your sister will come to know the truth and the truth will set her free. We are not under the law. Will believe with you that she will be filled with the Holy Spirit and know the truth. Blessings, Sandi

      • Oh, Yes, Sandi,

        it is as you said because this minister to whom many flock obviously is cutting off many important truths as the Lord‘s supper, baptism with water, etc.
        Deception has set in as I notice which can only be broken by a work of God‘s Spirit! Thank you for joining with me in prayer……Each teaching has to be proved by context and with other Bible passages. That is the basic truth of Theology.

  2. Dear Sandi thank you for posting this awesome love letter from our Lord. I have been on a very difficult road for some years now and I am not a prophet but the Lord allowed me to see a little bright star that highlited this : “Open your eyes wide and receive the outpouring of My Favor in this Season, as many Doors fly open to Connect, Reveal, Impart, and Direct your future that lies ahead, for it is the ordained time to step into and carry out every expectation of your Purpose and Calling.  Indeed He has a purpose on our life and I receive what He has appointed to me in this season.  Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to all men.  Blessings to you and family!!!

    • Good! Good! Good, MF. So happy that it hit a home run with you. When what the Lord was sharing with me took a different turn to what I have heard from many voices, I could literally feel my heart beating with His love and I was wrapped up in a blanket of love..so I just kept allowing His heart to take complete control of my heart and I think that is what HE has been trying to accomplish in His bride. God bless you as you step fully into your life purpose with joy and gladness that will bring peace on this earth and ‘goodwill to all men’. Sandi

  3. Sandi, I’ve been crying as I read. This Word touched me in the deepest places of my heart today. Just to cap only one quote from the Lord:
    “My Church is a House of Prayer. It was never designed or created to be a one man show, or a create a stage for a celebrity.” All was very rich to my heart.
    I will read again my sister. Much love and prayers. ❤️

    • Hello, my friend, Joyce.Indeed He is reaching the deepest places of our heart! That is so well said. I was reaching for a description of what my spirit is receiving and I have lately been feeling my heart seem to be faster as I listen to my husband, Gerry, on the phone telling me what God is doing in his heart and I can almost hear his heart racing. Yes, our God is awesome and leaving us in awe in this hour as His love shall heal, deliver and save! xoxo Sandi

        • Me too, dear friend. There has never been a more heart rending, heart breaking, heart changing time in my lifetime, Joyce. Sometimes you have to laugh outloud to keep from ‘crying out loud’. xoxo Sandi

          • Yes, I can so relate to every word of this also! Just listening to a song, about everything is gonna be alright… Your working everything for my good! All is Well! I love you my friend.  ❤️

  4. Now that speaks to me personally when The Lord talks about loss and fear of men.
    Praise God, his plan is perfect . He knows the end from the beginning.
    Thank you and bless you sister.

    • So happy Sareeta that you received a personal mandate for His plan for you going forward. He is indeed an on time God and I am thankful for your input. May the Lord bless you beyond measure and keep you under the shadow of His wing, Sandi

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