HomeProphecyBut God…


But God… — 3 Comments

  1. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”
    I’ve not yet been perfected in love, but He is taking me from greater glory to greater glory. I’m in His waiting room. A few years back I went through some troubled times with who I thought was a friend. It got very rocky, which of course drives us closer to Him. And one day, after being almost completely depleted by these circumstances, I said to the Father, ” I just want to be loved.” And I meant it. It came from the deepest part of me, and suddenly the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard said, “You will be deeply loved.” You notice here that He didn’t say I “am” deeply loved, but that I will be.
    I’m reminded of the Shulamite woman in Songs of Solomon, “do not release love before it’s time,” as the hard and fallow ground has not yet been fully prepared for this beautiful seed. Being tilled up and prepared is painstaking!! It’s like being chewed up and spit out over and over again. But He’s so gracious, the Maker always gives a bit of time for rest, and He never let’s go….
    God bless you Gabrielle, thank you for these beautiful words….much needed!!

    • Dear Cherish, Thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad that this psalm helped you. And guess what? Your words ministered to me !  With the reference to Songs of Solomon : I’m reminded of the Shulamite woman in Songs of Solomon, “do not release love before it’s time,” as the hard and fallow ground has not yet been fully prepared for this beautiful seed.
      When I first became born again back in 2020 I began a long distance correspondence with a friend just through email then texting. A very nice person who the LORD paired me up with and I asked the LORD when I could see him. And that small voice inside me said, “In time.” Lol “in time” was not a definitive answer! Nevertheless I was okay with it know that His Ways are higher than our ways and His Thoughts are higher than ours and that everything He does is in His Perfect Timing. Your reply made me reflect on this and acknowledge that the LORD is absolutely right! The LORD knows me better than myself, and if I had met my friend in person back then it would not have been the best idea at the time, nor would it have been good for me! Timing is everything .

    • The LORD needed to work on me, and like you said, the process is unpleasant.  You think you have worked on something and it is done only to discover months later that you need to go deeper and surrender even more than you did before.  However I know the LORD made me a promise and I am holding onto that “in time”. In His Perfect Timing the “in time” will come!  Many blessing to you!