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Fire in The Church! — 8 Comments

  1. I felt strongly the same when i saw the news. I said in my heart Lord you are purging evil. A lot of my family is bound in religion but they have no fruits. Most of them are even loyal to the church(physical) but not God. It grieves me but i fight for them in prayer.

  2. Dear Angus, Daniel Pontious wrote
    April 14 at 11:43 PM
    All that Glitters!

    As I awakened this morning I heard something and saw something that I haven’t heard in a long time, and it was the phrase “fools gold”.

    As I began to meditate upon the meaning, the Holy Spirit began to indicate to me the meaning of what I was seeing. The term “fools gold” was a term used years ago by people during the gold rush that were seeking to strike it rich, however instead of finding Gold they were encountering a substance called “pyrite”.

    Pyrite- a shiny yellow mineral consisting of iron disulfide and typically occurring as intersecting cubic crystals.

    This Substance, because of it’s appearance, fooled many into believing that they had found Gold, but upon an analysis of it they found that even though it had an appearance of being real gold there was absolutely no gold in it.

    There are many things in the Spirit realm that have the appearance of being the genuine article. It looks like, sounds like and acts like the real thing, but upon a closer inspection is found to be wanting in Substance.

    God is bringing those who are actively seeking the Face of Jesus into a place where they are not going to be fooled by, “All That Glitters” anymore. They will be those who will not just look at the surface of what appears to be real, but will actively Test the spirits to see whether they are from God or from the world.

    “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist,” 1 John 4:1-3

    The Real Gold is really God, but the Pyrite is not. They may look the same but the Substance of what they are is different. Father is bringing a Supernatural awareness to the Body of Christ in the form of the “discerning of spirits” like never before, not to bring judgment upon the counterfeits necessarily but to bring an awareness of that which is the genuine article!

    The Holy Spirit is is going to keep you from being distracted by that which is not Him! If it looks like LOVE, sounds like LOVE, and functions as LOVE (Agape), it’s Gold; but if it has a form without Love it’s probably Pyrite.
    I don’t believe that it’s “Fools Gold” because those who follow it are fools, but rather that it’s called “Fools Gold” because they were “fooled” into thinking it was real!

    Father God wants to keep us from distractions that would take our attention away from Him. Not that every distraction is necessarily fools gold, but rather that we not wind up off course from where He wants to take us. Weigh every situation carefully family! Allow the Holy Spirit to Lead you and guide you into all Truth and the enemy will never be able to get you to believe that the fake stuff is Genuine.

    Thank you Jesus for bringing us Wisdom and Revelation into the deep and intimate Knowledge of You!!! Open our Eyes to see and Ears to hear so that that which is Pyrite is exposed by the Truth!

  3. Amen. For years I have been saying that God is speaking through this event and God is speaking through that event. For example, the title of one of the movies in the Batman trilogy is “The Dark Knight Rises” and this speaks of the false prophet. Now interreligious dialogue is a global phenomenon and it has infected the church like ebola. Interreligious dialogue has to burn. Signed “hunchback”

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