HomeProphecyIn the Presence of Our Enemies (Updated)


In the Presence of Our Enemies (Updated) — 24 Comments

  1. Abba Father taught me about the rejection spirit just a couple weeks ago. It has wrecked my family for generations. Holy Spirit has been helping me know how and when to pray against this and other things.
    I was stunned to fully grasp the 50-plus years of rejection and being stolen from by the accuser.
    More amazing is how Holy Spirit has been helping me know my authority and the sweet ways God teaches me and inspires me to respond to Him. I love You Elohim!

  2. I am sure everyone here can relate how God places us where we need to be, its great, then the snakes come out from behind the faces of our friends. Very sad when we know how we could club together in these times.
    No, they have other plans.

    I know it is THEE enemy using others to steer us off our road, into the ditch. They are just being used. But it gets disheartening. And the games are on another level.

    Funny how you mention in message about garden. Here, in this very lovely place is a garden that is like a parkland (my landlord is part of the eleet set and thats a whole nuther story…)

    I walk in it and talk to Iosa, I have had visions of Him in this garden striding down towards me. The song lyrics and other messages are syncing with gardens. So I guess even though I feel Iosa is on radio silence, and I have knives in my back and ready to let it allll go and slide….He communicates in other ways and through His prophets to reach us all facing these trials.
    Saying a prayer for you all that we overcome <3

    • Thanks for sharing your input and your heart Wildhorse. God surely does, as you say, place us where we need to be and unfortunately we do have a passport to the land of why. But I can chime in a bit on your story and say, it has been my experience, that it always turns things for our good and we are left with a thankful heart for His mercy and grace. And best of all, He is always teaches us His principles of love as He brings understanding to us in all our relationships. Many blessings, Sandi Holman

  3. Dear Sandi,
    I started reading your post and curiously I kept reading and reading, and then suddenly, as I came to the song lyrics, my jaw dropped. I could not believe what I was reading! I have listened to this particular singer/songwriter before a few times in my life, but I have never heard of this particular song.  The thing that made my jaw drop was that on Jan 24 of this year The LORD gave me an uncannily similar psalm! I titled it “The Garden of Heaven”. I was going to post it soon on HPK but I encountered a trial and have been recuperating ever since. Only today have I start reading posts again. As I read the lyrics you posted, tears started streaming down my cheeks!  Who knows how the LORD works? He never ceases to surprise me nor let me know He is with me AND INSIDE ME. Thank you for posting and allowing The LORD to confirm this message to me. I will post my psalm soon as well!
    Much love to you!

    • Dear Gabrielle, I love how the Lord knows just how to surprise us and how He speaks in such beautiful ways to our heart. Thank you so much for sharing. Prayers to you for healing and refreshing as you arise with healing and new revelations!  In His love, Sandi Holman

  4. In my work situation, I have experienced attack and resistance from those who profess Christ and whom I consider my friends.
    This has been going on for several years and I have been very patient, committing this situation to My Lord.
    This morning I wrote in my diary “Lord I forgive these people for they know not what they do.
    Help me break through this barrier set before me Holy Spirit.
    Then, a short while later I read the prophecy “In the presence of our enemies” and to my extreme delight God consoled my heart with the exact words of confirmation I was searching for.
    Thank you so much for your ministry

    • Hello Geoff, It is always a joy to my heart to know that the Lord brings consolation and confirmation in His own unique ways. Thank you for sharing. May every new day take you deeper in your relationship with our wonderful savior. I appreciate your gratitude. Many blessings, Sandi Holman

  5. This posting has answered a question I have been asking the Lord and myself for a very long time; what is it hiding deep within me, that keeps me from the fullness of my hearts desire of my life hid in Christ? Self preservation. The inborn survival instinct; and I know that unless the Lord makes the exchange with me, it will forever be dictating from within. I feel very quieted and contemplative at this moment. Thank you for sharing this word Sandi. I pray that God continues to bring you revelation and joy as the eyes of your understanding are opened.

    • Dear Vicki, I am delighted when I read comments like yours. So grateful that the Lord continues to give us revelations of His truth and answer the cry of our hearts as we seek understanding. Thank you so much for your gratitude and blessing for me. Many blessings to you, Sandi Holman

  6. I can’t believe I missed this incredible word. It must have bèen for such a time as this.
    I’m in the ashes and I live on the Fiery Burning Alter. In 2015 I turned “inside-out”. Which was about the time the song and the animated cartoon, both titled Inside-out were released.
    I worshipped the flesh better than anyone I’ve ever known….it looked good in the eyes of man. I thew it on the Fire of His Love and that’s where I remain today, and it does not look good to man.
    One day I was contemplating getting into the shower, all morning I thought about it. At about mid afternoon I received a text from an unknown number which said, and I quote, “Just get in the G.D. shower!!” Only it wasnt G.D.
    I still have this on my former phone. You are correct in saying we are in the presence of both our Lord and our enemies.
    This year I have on my table beautiful place settings. I’ve never been compelled to do that before. I found the dishes at a thrift store and their absolutely exquisite.
    I’m tired today Sandi. I’m tired all the time. I’m persecuted in my home and wherever I go in a way that is so bizarre you’d have to encounter it yourself to believe it.
    I train myself to look out into the vast expanse of the Eternal Victory that the Most Beautiful Gift the Father could have ever given has purchased for me. But my heart goes out to those suffering in silence, waiting for the Promises to come to pass.
    They will.
    God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

    • Dear Cherish, You are surely coming into a time of deep refreshing. Thanks so much for sharing your ‘shower’ story. He knows just how to get our attention and bring a smile on our face and a joy to our hearts. You express your heart in such a beautiful way, dear one. Love and blessings, Sandi

  7. He has been speaking these scriptures and dealings with me also. He told me Psalm 91;1 is my address, and where it says dwell, means, do not leave. He has been showing deep places of my heart that I did not know, bringing healing and transformation, sharpening me awareness and discernment. So thankful for my heavenly Fathers love and care.

    • yes Abba father i want to live there.
      Psm 91
      1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
      will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
      2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
      my God, in whom I trust.”

  8. I get it all
    I walk it all
    I daily live in it all
    the Ugh part
    A New Day of HIS Revealing
    The Realness ‘Behind Smiling Faces
    The Emptiness/Fakeness of their words
    Deceptiveness BackStabbing
    The ‘Old saying Still Rings True
    Actions ‘Speak Louder than Words
    Do They Walk What They Talk

    Yes Yes
    HE is Revealing those in Our Lives
    Who Use and Betray Us
    And Cutting many Completely OFF
    For HIS Reasons
    Our Protection
    A True Season of Letting Go
    Of the ‘Old
    For the Incoming New
    Keep Walking in HIS LOVE
    Serving the still present enemies
    As HE Directs
    They, too, WILL One Day be Gone
    To N’er Hurt nor Steal from You e’er again
    Don’t e’er Give Up
    A Newness
    A Fullness is Coming to You
    Be Encouraged
    Chin Up

    thank you, Sandi, for your true and
    encouraging word
    Full of HIM : )
    HIS Blessings Upon You

  9. Sandi, this is absolutely ontime I believe for you to post when you did, but the very right minute for me to read it also!!

    I loved, “He takes us through the process of forgiveness all the way to the cross until we abandon our feelings and say, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ (Luke 23:34) I started out practicing His presence but I NOW DWELL IN HIS PRESENCE. Dwelling in His Presence is all there is.”

    “Footprints in the Sand” is what I am hearing in the Spirit. He has certainly walked with you and even carried you, as Jesus had to do for me also.

    Glad and so very privileged to be Warrior Sisters with you. I love your gentle heart and your openness and love you my friend! Gods richest blessings. xoxo

  10. thank you for your message.
    I received prompting or knowledge on several lines, aha-moment.
    Thank you for your encouragement .. to understand that the Lord is with us, in us, acting for us, even if we are surrounded by an enemy believed to be a friend .. we always have to pay attention to Him .. not to trust in people, in friends, but only in Him .. then not we are so disappointed in people because He shows the truth at that moment.
    I have experienced the same thing as you in many ways. – that’s how your writing resonates a lot.
    The lyrics and sound of the song are also very dear to my heart.

  11. I’ve always felt like feasting in front of our enemy has to do with God receiving His Glory and us receiving the benefits of our Salvation.
    The enemy was the overseer of God’s Glory (host in charge of worship and that’s not just music) before his fall. What an awesome testimony to God (and His Son and Spirit) when fragile clay vessels like us can be used to display it as the Holy Spirit pours it out of us! What trust we’d have to have in God in not abandoning us in our weakness! Just as He raised His Son, we can count on resurrection too when we believe God. As someone who has been betrayed by people I love (haven’t we all been on both sides of that?), I can testify that God is so faithful even when we aren’t. We don’t have to worry about manipulation or sorcery or witchcraft (greater is He Who is in me than he that is in the world). Besides, what a compliment…”have you considered my servant Job?”
    Still, I have much compassion for someone walking through that and I’m sorry for all of us who have ever had to experience a big let down from something we (wrongfully) trusted to be solid. Even if we have been warned not to place our trust in man, it can be a very painful path to find Jesus in it. Patience is especially important…like Joseph. He and his accusers were saved by what the enemy meant for harm. God bless each of us as we each find our resolution of God’s goodness out of what the enemy meant for our harm.

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