HomeProphecyRedeeming Every Promise You Thought Was Lost


Redeeming Every Promise You Thought Was Lost — 4 Comments

  1. I’m so glad I went back this morning and read this beautiful encouragement!!
    Merry Christmas and God bless your beautiful heart Mr. Downes!!
    Thank You Abba Father!!

  2. Thomas, this really spoke to me..though we do know these things, it is so good to hear and speak it to ourselves in moments like these that we are presently living in. I loved this “There is no failing planned for your present day, nor any failing planned for your future, either”. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Sandi Holman

  3. Praise God! Amen and Amen!God bless you, Minister Downes!
    I receive this Word of the Lord God, truly believing that his timing with all promises that aligns with/in his divine Word comes to pass within the right season of our lives.

    I’ve learned a long time ago that the promises of God’s Divine will – will never cause his people to slip, backslide or to become entrapped by the devices of the adversary. My personally, the Lord God waited, until I was mature enough to be able to receive and handle some of God’s promises and blessings.

    I bid you peace, blessings and love. – Minister Downes!❤️