HomeProphecyThe Devil Has No Wisdom


The Devil Has No Wisdom — 8 Comments

  1. The devil does have a kind of wisdom, since James 3:15 speaks of a wisdom that is “devilish”, but which is more a form of low cunning.  It is for this reason we ought to be on our guard.  However, it is no match for the wisdom of God:
    “We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” [1 Corinthians 2:6-8]
    Satan’s wisdom can entrap the unwise, but it is a weapon that ultimately backfires on him, indeed like Haman’s gallows.

  2. About 7 years ago, my senses were opened to some horrific realms of the spirit. I was somehow connected to something that was beyond my natural ability to understand. It was a season of complete obedience to absolutely everything I was led by the Spirit to do. I could hear in the spirit the tormentor continuously accusing, mocking, and shaming me. I tried everything. I tried binding and loosing, I went forward for prayer at every opportunity, I fell on my face, I fasted and prayed etc. etc….and nothing worked.
    Finally one day I was led to listen to a teaching given through Graham Cooke on the faithfulness and Power of God in every season. The seasons of rebuking and casting Satan out with a Word are of course the most desired. But when God is silent and seems to be distant and our word’s are hitting a wall, and the enemy just seems to continue walking on our backs, the Lord says wait, be still and know that I Am God and that I love you, like Zerrubabel keep building the wall and I Myself will contend with them, But, I must produce within you the character necessary to not only endure in this Last Day, but to Flourish in the midst of every storm.
    When He has tried and tested me in the Furnace of Affliction, I will come forth as Pure Gold. A Transparrnt Center Out Reflection of the Beauty of my Maker.
    Bless you Veronica, I’m so grateful for you and have been in prayer and Thanksgiving for to Him for infusing in Unity our Nations as One :)

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