HomeProphecyThe Harvest Has Begun!


The Harvest Has Begun! — 4 Comments

    • @John.G

      Thank you, I am greatly blessed by reading the link you sent!

      A quote from the link:
      “But if we continue to ignore the need for repentance and deliverance, the day will come (and it may be closer than we know) when we ourselves are removed from the Kingdom of God.”

      I can confirm that the day is closer than one can know, even it is here right now, because about three years ago the Lord spoke to me and said:

      “This generation may not pass away till all these may come to pass,” Matthew 24:34.

      • Revelation is always delicate. We can take it for granted or limit it’s unfolding by any concrete interpretations.

        We all have a differnt part, but common ground.

        I am beginning to see multi layers of revelation as of late so I am being careful as The Lord schools me. Many frontrunners must prove these words and revelations in their own lives fist before we can preach under a true anointing.

        I am glad that helped. It literally expanded my understanding and gave me a newfound respect for those who clearly take more time than me to assimilate. Also, I recognized the ministry on this person. That means listen!

        Once God settles what it is we are to know, then the Holy Spirit can touch others with it in power.


  1. Blessed news!

    Only one thing to take notice of, the “tares” are among God’s people, on the same ‘field’ as the wheat and not outside in the ‘evil world’.

    The wheat and the tares do the same ‘christian things’ and can be seen together in the same congregations, but only one of them are in the depth of their heart truly devoted to God;

    “there shall be two men on one couch, the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left,” Luke 17:34

    “two women shall be grinding in the mill, one is received, and one is left,” Matthew 24:41

    I have saved this link, which I found some years ago, because it has divine visions and this one about the threshing floor is very good:
