HomeProphecyToday is Your Moment!


Today is Your Moment! — 12 Comments

  1. Thank you so very much and I have been going through some things and needed to hear from my Papa God for confirmation and thank you for your obedience…I wept through the whole thing.  Gods love is spectacular.

  2. Sandi, this is so very rich and the words and the song so touching by the Holy Spirit!
    Loved, “Leave all sorrow behind, and do not look back, for Joy is set before you in this present time of grief and panic”…
    Sailing on by His grace and mercy. ❤️

    • Indeed, you, my sister, are sailing on and I rejoice everytime I hear your voice on my phone sharing about the gathering of worship and prayer at your house..you just keep on keeping on. You are a ‘hard act to follow’..so great is your reward, my friend. You are truly a mother in the faith and an encourager of encouragers. Thank you so much for your input. One day at a time is all we are promised. This short season in KS has been an eye opener for me in so many enlightening ways, so heart changing, so heart healing and hopefully some heart finishing (my book).I leave you with Paul’s words, “.“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me to path with one passion. make me his own.And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one purpose. Lift up a great SHOUT to YAHWEH! Sail on..xoxo Sandi

      • Sandi, your comments answered some questions I was asking God. Thank you so much. The Holy spirit allowed you to instruct me with an answer I so badly needed. As I read what you wrote I cried again. Sometimes, everyone does not know what we go through. There are some special trusted ones we let into that place. You are such a one as this to me.  I love you my friend.

  3. This was rich food Sandi! This part spoke so clearly to me!  AM continuing to stretch your thinking to embrace a more expectant heart, that will bring to birth My Plan in the places I have planted you,” says The LORD.

    “Leave all sorrow behind, and do not look back, for Joy is set before you in this present time of grief and panic.

    Change is good! Change your perspective, but be reflective on the Wisdom you have gained. As much shifting continues to bring changes, so shall shaking continue, and it will usher in Revival all across the land.

    So much change taking place here in my life. Each day I must determine to keep a right heart and not stress about the job I have had to take. It’s challenging but it’s a place where I am allowed to pray with patients, the Dr. of Chiropractic who hired me prays with me twice a day before patients arrive! I minister hope, encouragement and support to children up to fragile seniors every day.  It’s intense work and I’m so tired when I come home, but grateful to be in the place where God has me. I work 45 hours in 4 days and have Fri.-Sun. off, so I can still speak on weekends and do a bit of private counseling. It’s a time of change, but orchestrated by the Lord. I’m his. He can do whatever he must.

    • Dear Mary, I am forevr grateful that His words that so ministered to me in the hardest place of my life right now ministered to you as well. It surely is a time like no other and I do not say that lightly. When I prophesied He was placing us in places in this now ERA we never dreamed of…what a confirmation from you today!!! WOW.so thankful for your heart and your Godly example of those exact words He spoke to me that I am endeavoring to carry out…”Change is good! Change your perspective, but be reflective on the Wisdom you have gained.” Foolish was bound in my heart as a child but God is so good to change our hearts. May the true joy of Christmas be yours, my sweet friend, and may 2024 bring prosperity and more fruit that remains. Love and peace, Sandi

  4. What an encouraging word!! Thank you!!
    I dreamt this morning that I was walking up to the doors of a house, I knew this house had been a very dark place in the past and much fear had been released and received, but I pushed the doors open as a voice said to me, “You will fear and shake!!” I ignored the voice, pushed past the fear and went straight for the lights I knew by Revelation were on the wall. I flipped two switches and turned to look into the room, it was most definitely in need of dusting and cleaning. I saw a projection of my older brother sitting on a chair, but it started to waver in and out and I knew it was deception.
    I was reminded by some of your post of ‘Bridge Over Troubled Waters’, a song the Lord has used to encourage me to not give up, to keep going. “Oh when you need a friend, I’m sailing right behind. Like a bridge over Troubled waters, I will ease your mind.
    God bless you beautiful lady, your post has greatly encouraged me, thank you again. :)

    • Wow Cherish, what a dream. Thanks for sharing. He sure is our Bridge over Troubled Waters’ . I am glad you reminded me of that one. I am grateful for your encourement as we walk in the fear of the Lord moving forward one day at a time. May we cherish TODAY for we are not promised tomorrow. Love to you, Sandi

    • Patrick, I agree the words to TODAY are truly timely. So appreciative that it ministered to you. God bless you richly, Sandi Holman

    • Thank you Valerie. I receive your blessings. It is my song each day as I embrace the day with the joy set before me. Many blessings back to you, Sandi Holman

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