What’s That I Hear?
There are times when you would rather not approach certain issues; but if you are truly called, appointed and anointed of God, you must.
Continue reading →There are times when you would rather not approach certain issues; but if you are truly called, appointed and anointed of God, you must.
Continue reading →The LORD is merciful and raising so many of us back up for a last day stand in these troubling times!
Continue reading →“I AM a GOD of detail,” says The LORD. “I do things right! There is nothing that I do that is imperfect. I work in the seen and the unseen.”
Continue reading →I see The LORD’s Hand stretched to earth – His hand is out to the lost, the addicted, the hopeless, those crying for rescue, those truly searching for Truth.
Continue reading →In the place of seeking the face of The LORD for this special year called 2023, I heard The LORD say, “2023, Unlimited Access to the Door of Glory!”
Continue reading →Need a boost? In this episode of Spirit Connection, I tell you what The LORD showed me about what He is shifting and releasing in this season.
Continue reading →“I always finish what I start,” says The LORD, “and I want you to be like Me. Finish the good work that you have begun. I have no unfinished business.”
Continue reading →I heard, “Fear not! I AM Almighty God, El Shaddai, the All Sufficient One, Your Mountain Mover!”
Continue reading →“There is much happening in the world that is not from Me. The enemy is rising up, and showing his true self….. his true colors!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →This Nation [USA] has changed more in the last two to three years than all the previous ones combined.
Continue reading →I’m sensing The LORD is highlighting that we need to pray for the men — particularly who are Prophetic Evangelists and Psalmists!
Continue reading →Gossipers, slanders, those who use prayer to gossip — these are those who know what they are doing, they are convicted, they just don’t want to repent!
Continue reading →Prophetically, I see, believe and submit, that this is the hour of great testing for The Nation of America.
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