America: The President, A Great Depression & A 9/11 Event
My heart is to see the people of God continue to follow and obey The LORD, and to encourage them to heed and intercede over things He is revealing are coming in these serious days.
It’s in that context that I recently had two Prophetic Dreams.
One dream was concerning American President Donald J. Trump and the need to pray for him, because The LORD showed me He wants him to be re-elected.
Another dream I had showed what could be another 9/11 event or situation coming soon. And another dream came after I asked The LORD what His people should/ could do to prepare, since coronavirus came on the scene.
I made two videos concerning those dreams (which also include revelation of Great Depression like conditions coming), and linked to both of them below:
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Notes on Video published on July 14, 2020.
1. To open, I give a little context as to the season we’re now in (a serious season).
2. How I prayed and asked God what His People should be praying for in this season.
While Trump is someone who divides opinions, God gave me a dream showing me He wanted me to pray for him because He wants Trump re-elected at this coming election.
I believe God was showing me that there is enough time for him to get re-elected, but His People must earnestly pray that happens.
3. God wants Trump to stay as President for His Purposes.
While some of Trump’s behaviour hasn’t been good, God wants to use him like He used some leaders in the Old Testament (who weren’t necessarily believers — but God used them all the same for His greater purposes).
It’s likely God wants to use Trump, because he has stood up for certain important Christian values that have come under severe attacks in the West these days (i.e. marriage, right-to-life etc.).
4. I also share another dream. I had the dream after praying to God, asking what state the USA is in.
In the dream I wondered what state the USA was in and whether it was salvageable. I was shown it ‘is’ salvageable, but it is also in an ‘Emergency State‘ and needs urgent Prayer.
In the dream, God showed me ‘9:11‘ and I believe this is showing that the USA is in an emergency state.
*I now also believe that it could be saying another 9:11 event ‘may’ take place this September (unless His People pray).
5. God loves America and loves His People in America, but this is now a serious time when we need to make sure our lives are right before Him.
We need to continue in His Grace and be following Him in this season.
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Notes on Video published on July 18, 2020.
1. We need to be hearing The Spirit speak in this season, because of its seriousness.
Pastor Dana Coverstone‘s recent revelations regarding the need for God’s People to ready themselves for what may be coming for the rest of this year in the USA. (Dana Coverstone is a pastor in the US and a link to his dreams about the coming months is HERE.
2. The rest of the video shows 3 dreams I had:
a) One dream came after I specifically asked God what was coming now that Coronavirus had come. I was shown that ‘Great-Depression-like’ conditions are coming to the USA.
b) On the 9/11 dream, we need to spiritually/ practically ready ourselves for the months ahead (particularly the USA), and to set up sharing the next dream about preparation.
c) Before Dana Coverstone had his recent dream of the need to ready ourselves, I had asked God what, if anything, God’s people needed to do to prepare for the coming season.
I was shown very clearly in a dream to tell people to ‘Get a Gun‘. But I also emphasise very clearly that the dream ALSO said that under NO circumstances should the gun be used to hurt or kill anyone (i.e even for self defense).
I give a brief teaching about how Jesus said we are to love our enemies and pray for those that persecute us.
Luke 22:35-38 (below)is an example of how Jesus told the disciples that up till that point they hadn’t needed anything, but because the season had changed, He told them to get a sword.
The apostles never used a sword to harm anyone — the exception being Peter — but Jesus rebuked him and healed the man’s ear, and that was pre-Cross.
In that light, the point of the dream is that just as the disciples would have gotten swords as visual-deterrents to certain men not to ‘mess’ with them, so we may be entering a time soon where those who might want to do us harm, (i.e break into our houses, rob us etc.) would benefit from something which they ‘see’ to dissuade them.
Just as the sight of a guard dog in a backyard might dissuade an intruder — or the sight of a home security system would make a robber think twice.
I believe the ‘gun’ portion of the dream isn’t so much the point as is the idea that we need to think carefully about our safety in the coming days, even if that means simply committing ourselves to God and trusting in His security and HIM as our refuge.
And again I emphasise the fact that if we feel to actually get a gun, the dream said that under NO circumstances should we use it to actually harm or kill another person in self defense.
I explain how everyone has recently seen how the season in the USA and elsewhere could change quite rapidly, and how we need to be wise, whether that means getting a gun, or simply praying and asking The LORD what safety/ security we should get, if anything (or whether we should just trust that He will be our rock and refuge in the coming time).
God is our protection, but like Noah, sometimes he also asks us to do some preparations within that care He gives us (not that we trust those things but that we obey God out of faith that He knows best).
*An other Prophetic Dream shows what could happen in the USA in the near future (as another example to show why personal protection may be needed).
I must emphasise the fact that God will be with His people in the days ahead, and these revelations are not to cause fear, but to encourage us to wise, to seek God, and to make sure our lives are upright before Him (in His grace).
Just to say — I understand that this revelation (video) may be a controversial one. However, personally I do believe this second revelation is just as important.
The USA is clearly in a very precarious point at the moment, and it’s not hard to see things getting worse very quickly in the coming months.
God told Noah to build an Ark, and I think at times God asks His People to prepare something practical in order to stay safe when the world turns ugly.
“35 And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?”
So they said, “Nothing.”
36 Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. 37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.”
38 So they said, “Lord, look, here are two swords.”
And He said to them, “It is enough.”” Luke 22:35-38.
~ Tim Price
Tim Price has a prophetic heart to warn God’s people about the coming end-time storm, and to encourage them to stand and trust Him through it. He shares the dreams God gives him on his YouTube channel and Making Straight His Path blog. Tim lives in Australia.
Where do these dreams come from? Who said that America is salvageable?? Find it in your Bible; No, there nothing There!! America is doomed since 1956. God declared her doom! Not the individual, but America is gone!!
Hi Sister, thank you for your comment! Personally, I believe Jesus was speaking of actual swords because Jesus is referencing physical things when he mentions the swords i.e he says that up till that point they hadn’t lacked money bad, knapsack, sandals. And he says that they were to take their cloak and sell them for a sword. Good hermenuetic interpretation must mean that Jesus meant an actual sword, not a spiritual one, otherwise the passage doesn’t make sound interpretive sense. Also, it is the ‘disciples’ (i.e more than two of them) who say ‘here are two swords’, which means it can’t refer to two of them being swords because there were more than two of the disciples there at that point at the Last Supper, there were 12 of them (i.e why are only two of them swords when obviously all of them bar Judas should be ‘swords’ under your interpretation?). Also Peter took a physical sword to strike the ear of the high priest’s ear – John 18:10 ‘Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant,’ Again that clearly shows that at least one disciple had a sword, and it’s likely more did (i.e the ‘two’ swords they pointed out). Anyway, bless you. God will be our most important shield and refuge in the days ahead!