HomeProphecyBreaking Through the Demonic Communication Network


Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network — 15 Comments

  1. A while ago, maybe 2 weeks or so, I was shown a large plastic bag with a zip lock and inside this plastic bag stood a white horse and a voice said” jump up!” I could not see who sat in front of me but I heard His voice. I did not know what this meant but shared it here on FB anyway. So yesterday while having breakfast, suddenly I saw that white horse once again and a man stood on the horse as it rode around like in a victory parade. He wore a blue tunic which covered his whole bode and first I thought it was an angel but then I realized it was the Lord ‘showing of’ like in a victory parade. He rode around and around standing upright and full of victory. Then the vision went away as quick as it came. I share this because what U wrote Veronika in your post and I quote:”ONLY THE MASTER-KEY — can override the whole Demonic Circuit and Communication System of the enemy!”

    ‘Override’ – that’s exactly what I saw the Lord doing while standing on that white horse dressed in a blue tunic.

  2. This is a powerful revelation. Yet, not too surprise on Demonic Network System of Communications. Today there are many chips, software, operating system, … are using demonic name, for example, “daemon” in computing, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_(computing)
    We, believers, use them daily without thinking, and we can’t live without it. We need to pray against it. May the Kingdom come to our Communication System, may the Lord give us the Key to unlock the new clean system and lockdown the old unclean version. Amen.

  3. OMG! Veronika, I am undone! I now know why the Lord has called me to the School of Silence..to be silent and listen only to His instructions for gathering in unity for these end times. Thank you so much for this powerful revelation! Love and prayers, Sandi

  4. Please forgive my lack of memory, but what exactly is “The Reformation of the Five”..???  Thank you, and bless you……

  5. Veronika, this may sound stupid, but what is “The Five”, the Power and Authority of the Key of David, and what is the Power of Sound of the Seven Spirits?  What would you like us to pray for and with you concerning this vision?  JRW

  6. The key is to think like the new man and not the old. Almost the whole church thinks and acts like mere men. Not knowing they have been made the righteous of God in Christ Jesus. The one true God is not depending on them to turn things around. David will do to the church what Donald trump did to the government. Most think the church is just fine at least their church. Hint hint.
    All is about to change with the turn of a key. It is all about coming up higher in your thinking. And about people most would not walk across the street to give a cup of water. I am not talking about sinners or just the people on the streets. There are those that walk among us who trod a heavenly path and most just think they are something less then even sinners. Any body come to mind?
    The key is turning and right before your eyes don’t let the light when the door is open blind you and be carful to welcome some who may be more then different.

  7. Powerful… but what is it going to take for the unity, ‘persecution’?
    I so hate and abhor that spirit of division and competition. Thank you once again Veronica. Blessings and prayers. 

    “For when The Five come together in Unity and Agreement — that is when the fullness of the Power and Authority of the Master-Key of the House of 22:22 will be released!”

  8. Halleluyah!!! Gloria al nostro Dio Altissimo ed Eterno!!!

    [ HKP : “Hallelujah!!!  Glory to our Most High and Eternal God!!!” ]

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