HomeBiblical TeachingCelebrating The Feasts of THE LORD: Introduction


Celebrating The Feasts of THE LORD: Introduction — 4 Comments

  1. Yepper…
    The Feasts are forever for believers, but traditions of men taught…
    Top that…
    The 10 Commandments is has a BIG description…
    It’s not about cursing at all…
    It’s about NOT changing HIS NAME…

    “You do not bring the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.
    Shemoth (Exodus) 20:7 TS2009
    Glad the Feasts is coming out to light…
    The greatest deception in the globe was changing the Name of YHWH…

  2. Apst. Jacob, God renew your strength & grant you more spirit of discernment in Jesus name. Sir, your posts on Feasts of the Lord; those of Prophet Doug Addison on HKP & Candice Smythman on Elijah List exposed me to the relevance of these Feasts. Although, I never celebrated all the 7 outlined Feasts before as I didn’t know them all until now. But I always celebrate Pentecost, Passover, Yom Kippur, Feast of Tabernacles , Feast of Trumpets & RECEIVE TREMENDOUS BREAKTHROUGH FOR MYSELF & MY FAMILY AS WELL! I started my Feast of Purim already using the prayers the Holy spirit gave you to us!  Many dont know the Divine Bkessings attached to these Feasts that’s why. BUT, Thank God for the Holy spirit led insights in preparing a compendium on the Divine Feasts of the Lord to help the brethren. Great job! Thank you Sir!

  3. Thank you His Kingdom prophecy Editor; Mr. Angus Mckilop & his wife Jill for all your tireless efforts in spreading the Gospel of Christ. God bless you, family & crew in Jesus name.

    • Dear Adams,
      Thank you for your kindness and your patronage.
      May The LORD bless you and keep you, may The LORD make His Face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, may The LORD lift up His Countenance upon you and give you Peace.
      Angus & Jill

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