HomeChristian LivingDaddy Hugs Day!


Daddy Hugs Day! — 4 Comments

  1. Unconditional hugs and eye ointment may be needed in some cases.
    I am not endorsing this book, but it may be helpful in some cases.
    ps70-71 the word “need” occurs x5
    ps72-73 the word “need” occurs x2
    ps74-75 the word “need” occurs x5
    Note the occurrences of the word “essential”
    ‘The Hidden Kingdom’ by Dale Fife
    Also, seek help from an anointed psychologist or pastor.
    There may be issues such as depression, suicide, and addictions.

  2. Praise the Lord! Amen! God bless you, Minister Chris, I receive this word and message, I’ve experienced the lack of receiving and recognizing the true love of God in my life, which made it difficult to sincerely love others, the way that Jesus loved while and on earth and as He loves in general. I used to have a hard time hugging others, let alone my family members, so I truly respect your sincere words of the heart, which truly makes a difference, in the lives of many souls. The true Love of Jesus in our hearts, projected, shown to others, who may be hurting, in pain internally, angry, can tear down strongholds of differences, negative emotions, walls of hate, unforgiveness, bitterness and so forth. Thank you, Brother Chris, for sharing the heart of God, the heart of Jesus Christ, in and through your words expressed deeply on this post. God bless you, praying for you beloved Brother in the Lord, that God continues to use you mightily, uniquely for the Kingdom of God. I bid you peace and blessings!❤

  3. Brother Chris, such beautiful words. I resonate with your word like no other. You explained, previously, my dreams about Prince William and about a rat in my kitchen! You are truly Blessed, thank you for your help to us through our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, thanks be to Him and God Bless Us All, Amen

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