HomeChristian TestimoniesHard Times


Hard Times — 12 Comments

  1. “A man cannot be tempted by what he has no desire for!”

    Amen. It’s time we all exert our sovereignty in Christ and command every desire, perception, sense, and impulse that is not of the Lord out of ourselves.

  2. Thank you sir for sharing this. It really spoke to me and several more I see on here.
    Since I ever first read your articles, I always knew you were the real deal! Also thank you for all you impart to so many! God’s richest blessings, Joyce D

  3. Although I’m never happy to hear of others sufferings, I’m always encouraged that I’m not alone. We are going through the Cross with our Lord’s Mighty Arms wrapped around us, and we will make it to the other side, where Resurrection Life will flood every fiber of our being. We suffer for a season, but it’s all in His hands.
    Your quite a Warrior Mark Cyril, I’m proud to be fighting in this battle with you!!
    God bless!!

  4. There are treet types of ministere. They are man-made, self-made and God-made.
    Saul was man-made. Israel wanted a king like the countries around them. They choose Saul. He was goodlooking and tall. His family was respected. Saul had carisma. When we read about him we see that he did not have the most importend, he did not have character. Saul was man-made with the right background and apperance.
    The second type is self-made. Absalom, son of David was self-made. He stole the hearts of those coming to Jerusalem. He promotere himself and tried to coop the trone, but failed.
    The third type is God-made. David was God-made. As a preparation to the position God had for him he went to many hardship. He lived in caves and in exile,pluss much moren. During this he was formed and fond faithfull. God says about him:”I found David…”.
    All three types is in the church today. My Brother! Your testimony gives me joy. You have stood the test. Like David you will be surounded by the right people.
    Be blessed!

  5. It was not easy to write the comment. Since many years each and every text, private messages, mails are hacked, manipulated. Every step at home or abroad is under evil observation and mocked at. It is a 24/7 terror, absolutely no privacy, and those criminals love to show their victims that they are haunting them even at home. It is such a wicked terror, not only that texts are hacked and reputation destroyed. The worst is, health almost destroyed. They do this with military and psycho warfare, it is almost impossible to proof or bring evidences for their diabolic torture methods. I have a humbly request to every believer in JESUS CHRIST who reads these words: Please, pray for me that I receive full recovery of health and everything that was stolen from me or destroyed. I know, GOD has promised it and even double blessings to come.

      • Thank you, dear Valef. Thank you all for your prayers. I appreciate them very much. Somehow I am able to do some housework and to take a bath.

    • Myriam, the same is happening to me for years now. They don’t stand a change. The LORD is after them, specifically the ‘Higher Uppers’. The LORD showed me that He allows it for that reason. We are in the Convenant and therefore protected, and Father God has an obligation to step in. It’s a very smart move from The Most High God. These people driven by the powers of darkness are controlling, manipulating and terrorising human kind for ages, but when you are an unbeliever Father God has not an obligation to step in. So, He used us as bait, He said, you come against my people now…..because now I A M stepping in….. We are the red flag that is used by our King to fight the Bull….
      And I have noticed that in their arrogance that is all they see. They don’t even consider the One Who is fighting the bull. They will have no idea what hit them, until it is too late….. In the meanwhile we are being trained, and guess who is paying for that?
      How much do you think we already have cost them. 24/7 surveillance for years now…..and all rhe devices being used….people being paid for their participation, etc. Hang on, Myriam. We are deeply loved and protected. Our King has got this, every second and every detail!!!

      • Dear sister Vanyah ! Thank you very very much for your response !!! I came here because I saw 8 comments under the post of our brother. Sometimes I thought the same: They must have spent millions for this dirty job to persecute, and all those devices they have – they got it all paid. Thank you for your grat encouragement that GOD knows every second. I often pray, FATHER, You know the names of these criminals… Sister, your answer is precious to me, because many do not want to believe that gang stalking against targeted individuals is real.

  6. Brother, I am sad for the hard and cruel things zou had to suffer. I know how it is to suffer for the only reason that people to to JESUS CHRIST. Last night I was tortured again, in bed. Terrible psychoterror against body, and loud noise terror every hour. How often I woke up in worse condition, though I laid down in peace. Particularly when I had worked hard to bring knowledge and repentannce to some in the region who were on the road to hell, to catch them out of the fire. Brother, I know that physical torture and IT terrorism is real. And I know by experience people from Abuja, too, who fled to start a new life in Europe. I once was a fiance of a Nigerian. After many hardships I had to flee my country too. Those people you mention, they have everything, they have more than enough. But they are never satisfied. Tribulation, persecution has started not in 2023. I survived and prayed during the night and in this morning hour, before I came here to read your post. GOD showed up and opened heaven, I can see Him often. SERMON ON THE MOUNT tells us who can see the LORD. Those with clean hands and pure heart. I wish you His supernatural protection.

  7. I salute you as a faithful servant of Jesus. We may not have riches on earth but our eyes are fixed on the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus, and we know our reward is in heaven. No temporary earthy riches can compare with hearing His words when we finally see Him face to face, Mat 25:23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. That reward is eternal.