Shattering Hooves and Sinking Sand
I awoke to the words ‘shattering hooves and sinking sand’ and saw a vision of a White Horse galloping at speed.
Behind this Horse was an Hourglass that had shattered. The sand exploded out, and yet I could see the Horse was unaffected by this sand and could move easily over it.
Shattering means to ‘suddenly break into pieces, to violently shake or vibrate, fragment, annihilate, pull-down, extinguish, ruin’.
With the shattering of the Hourglass, the time has come to recognise who has built on sinking sand and who has built upon the rock of Christ.
The Horse representing The Church that is on Fire for God, has been unbridled and unleashed to run at speed and build upon the foundations for the era of reformation, refuge, restitution, restoration, and re-establishing what was lost within the church until now.
A moment to be raised up for the last day’s harvest of souls.
The prayers that have been offered over decades and centuries have pulled down from heaven to earth and now bring ruin to the demonic agendas and plans.
It is even more imperative to gather together and build each other up in this time.
It may feel uncomfortable to be released from the reins, “where do I go?” you may be asking, but The LORD directs your paths, beloved, and he trusts those who have sought him for direction.
You will not move from the left to the right, but focus forward and upward, for The LORD has trained you in this hour and is equipping you with greater Wisdom, Boldness, Discernment, Courage and Faith.
There is a Greater Grace in This Year of 2025!
The shattering and violent force of the hooves, and vibration causes a cracking and reverberation that will go throughout The United Kingdom and the Earth, as ripples and waves pour down into the cracks to demolish the underground networks and hiding places of evil intent.
The LORD is exposing darkness and shining his light upon it, and it cannot remain dark in these places.
As I read Matthew 11, I was immediately focused on verse 12 — from the days of John the Baptist until now The Kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.
Violence is another word for valour biblically, and just as with Gideon, The LORD is using the unexpected and the once hidden children of God to run with boldness, courage and great understanding of the authority that they carry.
This they know — during the furnace of affliction — that it is not by their might nor power, but by the Spirit of God. (Zachariah 4:6)
The Wise and Foolish Builders
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Matthew 7:24-27.
Title image painting by Author
~ Yvonne Coombs
Yvonne Coombs. Please also see Yvonne’s Prophetic Art here at “Yvonne’s Paintings” on Facebook and on Instagram
Thank you for sharing, it’s a very encouraging word. We often wonder what the meaning of the first horse of Revelation means. It was mostly interpreted as the Antichrist, but it doesn’t appear so. The word shattered brings Daniel 12:7 to mind. (when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
The outpouring (scattering) of the Holy Spirit for the end time harvest.
Naphats: To shatter, break, scatter, dash to pieces
Original Word: נָפַץ
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: naphats
Pronunciation: naw-FATS
Phonetic Spelling: (naw-fats’)
Definition: To shatter, break, scatter, dash to pieces
Meaning: to dash to pieces, scatter