HomeProphecyThe Clouds of Heaven


The Clouds of Heaven — 8 Comments

  1. The good news is Christ in you it is not Jesus coming someday. Jesus is the Christ of God. And now he is in all true believers in fact if he is not in you you are not even saved. The cross is a place of forgiveness for all men. We are saved by his life in us and Christ is that life. People need to stop trying to know Christ after the flesh. We are the clouds he lives in and descends out of. Time to wake up people and stop being brainwashed by phony preachers telling you fairytales. We are to be as he was. Now not after we leave the planet.

  2. I am in trouble due to my marriage is falling apart. I have committed mistakes to my wife by lying in terms of finances. I never cheated to her but the pain that I have caused to her is equal to cheating. I tried to repent and apologies. So some prophets said to me they are going to pray so that God can punish me. I accept all mistakes and the pain I have cost her. I am praying for forgiveness and help me out lies.

    • Find different prophets, dear one.  If you have repented and made amends to your wife, such as setting up an accountability plan, then you have already experienced the chastisement of the Lord.  Seek His will in this yourself.  The blood of Jesus Christ covers ALL of your sin.  As a wife, I can tell you such a sin is NOT the same as cheating with another woman. Let go of the selfishness that made you feel the need to lie about money, but don’t let the devil tell you you need to be beaten continually.  Find out from your wife how you can make her understand the love you have for her. It is love that overcomes evil, not punishment.

    • I will uphold you, your wife and marriage in my prayer
      Please note that once you have confessed your sins, it is immediately forgiven and forgotten by God(1Jh.1.9 /Ps.103:12). God will not punish you for the sins you have confessed to God since Jesus Christ paid the price for all your sins on the cross
      However there can be earthly consequences based on the law of seed time harvest.
      Confess the word of God over your marriage (Mark.10:9), and that love may govern both of you as you move forward (1Cor 13. 4-8).
      Don’t be moved by the circumstances, emotions or the opinion of other..stand focused on the word only and continue saying that you have a blessed marriage and a godly wife The word will not return void. (Isa 55-11)
      Be Blessed

    • God through his son Jesus took all the punishment of your (our) sins on himself on the cross and through his shed blood……I cancel the so called prophets prayer that God would punish you, for his son Jesus took all the punishment for you by his shed blood..all you have to do is have faith in his work on the cross for you for we are all sinners but his blood wiped away all sin…..tell him you have faith in him and accept this work he did for you and all of us …..once you have done this I pray that your wife will have such great love for you that she will forgive you for all have sinned and God forgives us through the work of Jesus on the cross….amen

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