HomeProphecyThe Enemy Within


The Enemy Within — 10 Comments

  1. Mark, thank you. Praying for the President and his family,and praying for the Change that is so badly needed in the church, in Jesus Name.

  2. Thank you mark.  Praying for you and your family. We need to come to repentance. We need to honor God more, come to him, with thanksgiving and praise, I am asking the lord to open the eyes of pastors heart about 501c3. Thank you , in the name of Jesus,You gave us another change., Father God. Thank.you.  Is 54/17 . #6/24 to 26 liz

  3. Yes your words are correct, as we know that are sinful nation cannot be saved by human flesh, nor any president. Remember Israel wanted a man Saul to be King and it became a curse to them, so the Lord sent David, a called and anointed one. Now, in the coming season, the House of David is coming back!

    • Thank-you Mark.
      strangly enough Mark has come to mind in the last few weeks and thought I haven’t heard or seen him for a long time now The above has resonated with me as I’ve been up and down about what is going on and it comes back the same feeling about being too casual re the one world beliefs…Rome has been on my mind not in a good way either.there is so much uneasiness within me and I am nor sure what to pray over and how to explain it to others…but at least I have something a bit more concrete to think and pray about…..it’s a hard task- Please pray

  4. Alarms are going off and they are loud and clear…..repent and change, repent and change, repent and change. Judgement is at hand. Who is listening?


  5. WOW! That says it all! Indeed we must listen and heed and make sure everything is up to speed as we move forward in this unprecedented time of challenges, reveal, and judgment alongside of truth, deception and double-mindedness. Thanks for sharing. Sandi Holman

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