HomeProphecyThe Flood and the Whirlwinds Are Coming!


The Flood and the Whirlwinds Are Coming! — 4 Comments

  1. Amanda Grace just posted an urgent word on Mar 25 about how she saw a historic enormous whirlwind happen in the US to confirm the word she released yesterday. Your word is another confirmation. A time of great shaking worldwide.

  2. Something to remember as these things happen. Many will say so in so is my brother but we don’t agree on a few things.
    I say any thing you think is true and keeps you from seeing all the so and sos as your brother and sisters and yes your friends you have either been mistaken about what you believe or put your beliefs above the truth. It is our great Gods desire all men be saved. That is a fact and as far as any of us are concerned that is paramount at this time. If any of us are treating any one badly because of our beliefs about where they might spend eternity then we are wrong. It is by GRACE that all of are saved which means it was not your so called free will that got you saved it was Gods grace through faith in what he has done not some decision you made. It is only as we become in agreement with what he has already done for all men not a select few.
    The flood will wash away the lies of men who hold back the truth with what they believe that to be.

  3. Sister, last night I also had a warning dream, but not of floods and whirlwinds, increasingly in the past 2 years I also saw huge floods rushing suddenly in, but it was a bomb attack over Paris !
    I clearly could see the American flag, all 3 colours, and it was not a Russian attack. I thought, I do not share this dream anywhere, but now, as I read your current dream, I feel the urgency to share it. I then google searched this morning Paris, and found that there is travel / car restriction because of bad smoke in the air. Official media pictures are mostly photo-shoped, as we know we cannot trust mainstream pictures. I noticed a broad stripe of dust/smoke in front of the Eiffel Tower… GOD foretold us, IN THE LAST DAYS we will have dreams and visions, spoken through Joel and more prophets. Stay blessed, all who trust the LORD.

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