HomeProphecyThe Fourth Man


The Fourth Man — 7 Comments

  1. 4. Two weeks ago, I testified that God gives victory through praise. However, the pain from the energy attack did not go away. The next day, I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I tried changing my spiritual weapon. I used the method of burning strongholds with the fire of the Holy Spirit. And the results were amazing. The fire of the third heaven coming from the throne of God was the most powerful. I feel that the strongholds like Jericho that are holding me down are collapsing with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Even if you fight with your thoughts, the fire of the Holy Spirit destroys the evil forces that cause pain. The pain I felt in my body was greatly reduced and I felt lighter. And another powerful weapon is speaking in tongues. God gave me a new dialect called “Pisaba Cantua,” and I can feel the high mountains collapsing. God recently showed me a university in the style of Athens, Greece in a vision. It felt like a high palace. The Holy Spirit called it “Academia” and told me to do a spiritual warfare. Miraculously, the attack disappeared when the “Academia” shown was destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

    Now, I am waging my spiritual battle with much ease and regaining the heavenly portal that was stolen from me. It feels like the blocked roads and sky are opening up in all directions. The evil ones have been trying to lead me astray and take away my mission. But God is giving us victory through His strategy. Praise God for being faithful. Thank you to everyone who interceded behind the scenes. My breakthrough will be your breakthrough. I believe that my victory is everyone’s victory. Praise God. Thank you Lord.

    • Thank you for enlightening us with your experience. Wanda Alger went through something like you, as did Bill Johnson. She was interviewed aug 26, 2024 on rumble.com on elijahforce, part of elijahstream. Shalom

      • Thank you for reading my story and leaving your comments. It makes me relieved because we need more witnesses about what’s happening right now. The Holy Spirit told me that the signal of the end times has been fired while I was going through such a weird situation. I believe it is time to wake up, figure out our season in God’s history, and fight against the evil groups globally as possible as we can. As you know, Satan is trying to change the times and laws as he wants. I check it out what you mentioned.

  2. 3. Then, one day in May, my spirit was done body-jacking of the soul by evil forces. It was so shocking. It was not possible for me to fight that evil force/energy on my own. To make matters worse, strange rumors seemed to be going around, and even asking for prayers became difficult. But faithful God continued to open breakthroughs. I went to American Christian YouTube sites and continued posting dreams, visions, and testimonies here and there. It was a struggle to survive. I believed that there were people who could discern between spirits. I had hope that misunderstandings about this difficult-to-talk about situation might be resolved. And now I feel it was right.

    Before the intensive attack, the academy always had hot, life-giving water flowing to refresh the body and soul. However, after the onset of Covid 19 and vaccination, the coolness somehow increased in both my house and workplace. Heat has also increased. After the electric shock in 2023, I also feel painful and hot electric energy. As I said last time, it feels like the essence and cells inside are cooked in the microwave. It was to the point where I wanted to die.

  3. 2. When I first started praying, there was a lot of spiritual resistance. My husband started nauseating like a cancer patient. I prayed with both ears covered for a year. This is because what felt like a school of cold fish penetrated into both ears. The pain was so bad that I had to keep holding the fire with both hands. Fortunately, after a year, I was able to tolerate it even if I took them off. In late 2014, Pastor Bill Johnson said, “If you maintain a place of prayer, the fire will increase.” And as I prayed according to the Word, the fire of the Holy Spirit increased in the academy throughout January 2015. Since then, the fire and life-giving water of the Holy Spirit has continued to increase through worship and prayer. My husband and I would go home between 3 and 5 a.m. after praying. But for some reason, strange people started appearing everywhere in the early morning and threatening us. As I remember, it started to occur around 2022. They looked like people from other religions. They would make certain movements with their bodies and then rush towards us. Then, noticeable attacks began in March 2023. It has been subjected to surveillance, wiretapping, computer/cellphone hacking, energy, vibration, and frequency attacks by countless people. Then, on April 27th, I received electric shocks all over my body at home and even called the police. The ceiling light bulbs in the front hallway were almost broken due to overload. The police told us that it was because we were carrying out pastoral activities at the academy. What shocked me even more was the fact that some local church pastors and members were also participating in these group attacks. My house was filled with frequency attacks and mechanical noise all night long. I asked several prayer groups for intercessory prayer.

  4. Amen. Deborah. Praise the Lord. I thank God for giving strength to the weak through Prophet Deborah. I would like to testify about a recent spiritual breakthrough.

    “I raise the poor from the dust, and the needy from the ashes. I will make you sit among princes, and I will give you a place of honor…For the foundation of the earth is the Lord’s, and I have built the world on it.”

    1. More than 10 years ago, a Korean prophet gave my husband and I Hannah’s prayer from 1 Samuel. The prophet told us to read these words every day and worship. At that time, I didn’t understand at all why she said that. In September 2009, God showed me a vision of a place to work. My spirit flew there with the angels. And I found the exact place in real life and signed a contract. God also gave us the name ‘High Dream Builders.’ I live in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, a place famous for education. It is a place with high economic power and enthusiasm for education. At first, I taught college entrance exam English to students for about two and a half years on the second floor of an old commercial building. There, I prayed by using so-called ‘tabernacle prayer’ with the students every class period. Then, around July 2012, God instructed me to go to an academy district that is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records called ‘Central Plaza’. This building houses over 100 academies/hagwons. In Korea, a hagwon refers to a private educational institution. And we moved there in September. Here on the 11th floor of Central Plaza, we have been praying for intercession between 12:00 PM and 4:00 AM since November 2014.

    아멘. 드보라. 여호와 하나님을 찬양합니다.
    드보라 선지자를 통해 연약한 자들에게 힘주시는 주님께 감사드립니다. 최근에 일어나는 영적돌파에 대해 간증하고 싶습니다.

    “가난한 자를 티끌에서 일으키며 궁핍한 자를 잿더미에서 일으키나이다. 내가 너를 방백들 가운데 앉히고 영광의 자리를 네게 주리라…땅의 기초는 여호와의 것임이요 내가 그 위에 세계를 세웠음이로다”

    10년도 훨씬 전에, 한국의 한 선지자께서 저와 남편에게 사무엘상 2장 한나의 기도를 주셨습니다. 선지자께서 매일 이 말씀을 읽으며 예배하라고 하셨습니다. 그때는 왜 그런 말씀을 주셨는지 전혀 이해하지 못했습니다.

    2009년 9월 하나님께서 일할 장소를 환상으로 보여주셨습니다. 내 영이 천사들과 함께 그곳으로 날아갔습니다. 그리고 저는 현실에서 그곳을 정확히 찾아내 계약했습니다. 하나님께서는 ‘높은꿈 빌더스’라는 이름도 주셨습니다. 제가 거주하는 곳은 서울 양천구로 교육으로 유명한 곳입니다. 경제력과 교육열이 높은 곳입니다. 처음에는 오래된 상가 2층에서 약 2년 반동안 학생들에게 대학입시 영어를 가르쳤습니다. 그곳에서 수업시간마다 학생들과 성막기도를 했습니다. 그다음 2012년 7월경 하나님께서 ‘센트럴프라자’라는 기네스북에도 올라있는 학원가로 가라고 지시하셨습니다. 이 빌딩에는 100개가 넘는 학원이 있습니다. 한국에서 학원은 사교육 기관을 의미합니다. 그리고 9월에 그곳으로 이전했습니다. 이곳 센트럴프라자 11층에서 2014년 11월부터 본격적으로 밤 12시부터 새벽 4시 사이에 중보기도를 해온것입니다. 1