HomeProphecyThe Undignified Dance and The Double Trouble Makers


The Undignified Dance and The Double Trouble Makers — 10 Comments

  1. Nothing will stop the two witnesses from rising…the 144,000…the martyrs for the Lord…His will be done as it is written in His Word!  May many come to the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the coming time of tribulation!!  May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven!!  Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty…our redeemer, Yahushua Hamashiach.  All praise unto His name, for He is worthy and EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!!

  2. Thank you Veronica! This is what just happened to me over the weekend! Thank you for giving me the gift of understanding. I am from the Tribe of Judah. The Lord said I danced an ancient tribal dance with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the fear of the Lord and wisdom to initiate His good plans in the earth. All creation is groaning for us the sons of God to remember where we came from and whom our loving Papa Father is. The time is now for all to be awakened, to arise and shine for the time is NOW!

  3. This just happened to me over the weekend! Thank you for giving me the gift of understanding. I am from the Tribe of Judah. The Lord says it’s an ancient tribal dance to initiate his plans in the earth and the cosmos. All creation is groaning for the Sons of Lights to arise and shine. This is the time is now to ascend and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth! Please pray for me and my family there is much more to come!

  4. Amen!  Praise be to God!  Powerful word! Thank You Father only You can do this, equip us Lord to be these troublemakers give us the boldness we need. In Jesus Name the Name above all names!

  5. Thank you Veronika and thank you Father for these words. Church all my life and I can’t stand one more weak apologetic talk from them pulpit anymore. Bless the nation of Israel!

  6. Arise and Shine!
    Truth is here.  Open your mouth and shout for joy.  No more keeping quiet while heathens pretend to be Christians.

  7. Oh Glory to God !!!  Praise & Honir to Him alone amen& amen & amen & amen !!!!!!!!!!
    I was created to be this very double troubler !

  8. This is it. Now is the time.
    All of Creation has been groaning and trevailing for what’s now being released!!
    God bless your beautiful heart Veronika!!

  9. What a mighty word!!!
    What a joy it will be when men will begin to dance in such a powerful way!! It will generate Breakthrough° I have long waited for it to happen…

    The words and vision is piercing!!

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