His Resources Are Unlimited
“My blessings are plentiful. My Word is infallible. I will meet your need as you entrust your entire life and destiny to Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“My blessings are plentiful. My Word is infallible. I will meet your need as you entrust your entire life and destiny to Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Relationship with our surroundings, the atmosphere, all that we see, feel, taste, touch, and hear all consists as life in the world.
Continue reading →A Prophet has said that when lockdowns end and Christians can return to Church, 40% of Christian will not return, but will drop away.
Continue reading →Today in prayer I believe God is speaking to the Nations regarding The Wisdom of God, as He began to speak to me, the color yellow.
Continue reading →The LORD said I could write this commentary of End Time Events. The ten years is ending and another begun!
Continue reading →There is a spirit of shame coming against The Body of Christ reminding you past mistakes, thoughts and actions are not good enough.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “There are many who are connected together, but have connections to very important International HUBs, spiritually.”
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