How Satan Wins Souls in These End-Times
I used to wonder how Satan would win so many people in the End-Times…. Now I see.
Continue reading →I used to wonder how Satan would win so many people in the End-Times…. Now I see.
Continue reading →It’s interesting that Biden met with the Pope, while Obama was added as the thirteenth person to travel to Glasgow for the Climate Summit.
Continue reading →The Fatted Calf has been prepared for Prodigal Nations that are now turning and returning.
Continue reading →So yesterday, The LORD took me back to this powerful word and instructed me to Re-Post.
Continue reading →To hungry friends, who hunger and thirst after righteousness and those who’ve yet to discovered what they hunger are hungry for.
Continue reading →The brightest shining star is the Northern Star. It is the Polar Star. It is the star that people looked for to help navigate.
Continue reading →Whether we like it or not there are many changes now taking place to move the people and the nations toward The Perfect Will of God.
Continue reading →“I AM wants His Children to know that the judgments; the events start soon. I AM asks His Children once again, “Are you ready?””
Continue reading →I heard this today, “This is the year of Restoration.” God is proclaiming, “It is the year of The LORD’s favor!” The year of Joel 2:25.
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