HomeProphecyA Strong Word of Warning to Great Britain


A Strong Word of Warning to Great Britain — 3 Comments

  1. Veronika, my friend has been given two pictures from the Lord whilst we’ve been praying. The first one was the wicked people were going down the drain, and this government were on a sinking ship. I know these are confirmation of what others have also been given by the Lord.

  2. Dear Veronika…I hear and see what our Most High Lord is saying…but, how do we ‘break away’ when we are being governed as we are by such evil people…I pray for repentance continuely for our nation, our towns, our people.I speak to friends and neighbours.What else should I be doing??

  3. Veronica when living in London, I went down the Thames by boat and passed the Houses of Parliament.
    This was several years ago, but a feeling of sadness and dread came over me.
    Now I know why.
    It is plain to see.